She was thirteen when she went home. I miss her very much each day that goes by; I believe she is still around me, though. I just cannot see her currently, but one day I will get to see my sweet girl again.

And while it hurts to be away from her I am so thankful she is in a better place where she can run and play and jump again without any pain. I send her butterflies all the time. She always liked butterflies.
I got lucky enough to spend my birthday with Asai in that beloved area where I was living when she came into my life and there was the biggest urge at one point to go running up the hill I used to go up after school to get to where we lived...I had the idea that if I grabbed his hand and ran hard enough up that hill that we would see her- she'd be in the place she used to wait for me after I got off the school bus and I could gather her up in my arms and put my face in her fluff. She always smelled like the sweetest cookie.
Like I was telling him last night, even though it hurt far worse then I have the words to express to watch her go through what she did at the end, the only thing I would change was being able to make sure she did not go through any pain at all at the end- being with her as the years flowed by and I watched her grow from a bouncy kitten to the proud, sweet, lovely, perfect being that she grew into...It was truly an honor.
I have truly been blessed.