Username: Odd Cinderella Reference image*: , he is wearing shorts Description: He's 15 years old. He is very flashy and flair-y. He's a Pokemon Coordinator. His partner is a Torchic. Suggestions for pose**: Reference, i would like him to be more smiling. not an evil smile. also, i would like Torchic to be somewhere on there with the little outfit the duck in the avatar reference has on Gold offer: 200k + 10k tip
Username: Odd Cinderella Reference image*: [IMG]http://i43.tinypic.com/4ky7vb.png[/IMG], he is wearing shorts Description: He's 15 years old. He is very flashy and flair-y. He's a Pokemon Coordinator. His partner is a [url=http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Torchic]Torchic[/url]. Suggestions for pose**: [url=http://i41.tinypic.com/beyeev.png]Reference[/url], i would like him to be more smiling. not an evil smile. also, i would like Torchic to be somewhere on there with the little outfit the duck in the avatar reference has on Gold offer: 200k + 10k tip
Odd Cinderella · Thu Jan 26, 2012 @ 08:06pm · 0 Comments |