*Aramis hastily puts his flask away, tucking it safely into his pocket. He then reaches into his boot and pulls out a ciagerette, lighting it*
"That was awfully fast. I didn't expect to see you again so soon. So, where did we leave off? Hmmm... Seraphim, right? And Deedra Vloos. Yeah. That was it. Let me tell you about some other members of Clan Seraphim, the five other than me. Let's see, you already know about Deedra, and how I felt about her. How about I tell you a little something about Magus Kizzard. Magus. I'm not scared of much, let me tell you, but I can truly, honestly say I am dead afraid of Magus. As I said before, he was half Xorian, like me. His father was Xorian, and for some reason, those traits pulled through 100% for Magus. He didn't even remotely resemble a Meenonite. He had long, straight black hair that fell to the middle of his black, shining like obsidian in the moonlight. His eyes were large and hostile, always scowling. And yet they were the most magnificent emerald green I'd ever seen, glinting as they reflected the starlight overhead. He had the telltale Xorian ears, huge by normal standards, and a pair of constantly-frowning lips. His skin was the color of wet sand at night. Everything about him seemed dark, and he seemed to like it that way. He didn't speak much, but we knew what he wanted just by the look on his face. Besides, when Magus spoke, he never really had anything good to say."
 "From what I remember, he was a bit of a pyromaniac. He always had an amazing fascination with fire. Kissie was the only one he really spoke to, and he always seemed to be hunched over a little fire he'd tease and prod into becoming something he couldn't handle. Then, he'd stomp it out, laugh a bit, and start lighting things up agian. We all though he had something to do with the Temple to Deus burning down that year, but we could never prove it. All we knew was that Magus smiled every time someone mentioned the Temple's burning. And if he could do that to a Temple, well, there was no question in my mind that he could do it to any of us, save Deedra. Magus feared Deedra like everyone else did. He also had some sort of sick fascination with dead things. He'd carry a dead rat around in his pocket. He loved poking at dead muiji we'd find lying around in the forests, opening up their wounds and looking inside of them. He'd even gone so far as to start catching small animals and starving them to death or killing them. He could sit there for hours, just watching the maggots crawl all over the little corpses. It didn't take long until Magus started collecting small animal skulls. Birds, rodents, anything at all, he'd clean them up and string them up on a necklace, wearing them around his neck or around his waist as a morbid belt. Magus reeked of death." *Aramis takes a long, slow puff on his cigarette before continuing* "Baanji and Moon. Baanji and Moon. Yeah, you never could separate the two. Joined at the hip. Both of them had problems of their own they didn't talk about. I think Baanji got beat up a lot at home by his brothers and Moon took similar abuse from his mom. Whatever the case, they were drawn to each other like opposite sides of a magnet. There was never a time you'd see one without the other right behind, nor could you speak one name without the other following immediately."
 "They were a great team, though, I'll admit. If you tried to tell Baanji to add two and two, the poor kid would strain to get the answer out of his mouth if Moon weren't nearby, not that Moon would give him the answer. They just seemed to function better as a team than they ever could individually. They often completed each other's sentences and could almost move like a single person... like one freakish person with two heads, four arms and four legs, they moved in perfect unison. If they had their backs to each other and Banjii threw something over his shoulder, Moon could catch it without an upwards glance. They might have connected in a way I couldn't understand. Maybe they were soul mates. Maybe they had some sort of mental bond. Whatever the case, they couldn't even walk straight if the other wasn't nearby. Looking back, I envy that sort of bond. I've never felt that close to anyone... I wonder how it would be, to know a person so well that your very hearts would beat in time with each other. I don't know what happened to them after I left Seraphim. But whatever it is, I hope those two are still roaming this wide earth together because I truly believe if one suddenly dropped dead, the other would follow suit. Deus bless them both." *Aramis gives his cigarette a final puff and puts it out on the table.* "The last story belongs to Kissie Voluun, and I'll tell you why. It's because she didn't disappear from my life like everyone else in Seraphim did. When I left Seraphim, I thought I left all of my old friends behind, never to see them again. Imagine my surprise when I saw Kissie during my time in Dulkar. I barely recognized her. But that's a story for another time. Come back soon, okay?"
Bleeding Apocalypse · Tue Nov 30, 2004 @ 06:32pm · 0 Comments |