My dearest bestest friend in the entire possible universe,
Hi! I felt like I needed to write something really long and blabbery like I did for my grandma (I realize you have no idea what I'm talking about but for her birthday I wrote her a beautiful card that was a whole page long and I made her read it in an English accent), so here goes. You are the best friend anyone could ever have. You always say that you love my drawings at first which you're probably being honest about unless you really hate them and then you tell me lolol. But most of the time you love them until later on we both go: "UGH! Can you believe you/I drew that!? XD" and point and laugh at it until we've had enough! Oh and btw I know I'm posting this as a comment just to embarrass you in case someone ever looks through your comments and tells you how crazy your friend is! I can't wait! Oh yeah, right, so anyway. You also have the best hairdos I swear! Like the Alice cut and now you have highlights! Oh and your tendency to come up with gorgeous things such as Edward watching over us (and taping him together after I accidentally broke him lol), merf (which I guess you didn't really make up but we still had so much fun with that, I'll never forget 'merf-merf'), and the lovely and unforgettable box-dance! I don't know if you've noticed but whenever you start to like something I've always followed you're beautiful taste. Like when Twilight wasn't even popular and you were reading it I did too! Then you stopped and I did too. Also practically every anime you've watched I watch too lol. Sorry for being such a copycat but you are the only person I've ever really tried to copy. And that's weird because you're younger than me (not that you act or look like you are but still, I remind myself sometimes XD). Oh and once I've copied you Kaiya copies me and then Grace, so don't tell her but I think Grace is the most recycled one out of all of us, and you might be the most original but I don't really know. Oh and by the way Grace has her upsides too, even though she tends to get angered easily. When we tease her lol. Maybe I'll right her a letter too XD. You've had quite a lot of nicknames over the years huh? Hmm... Alice, Merf God, My delicious Tentacle Porn Doll, Wifey, you are my only true love. Too bad you have a vageta. XD. JKJKJK, actually we'd probably be going out if we both weren't girls. Darn, why must lesbians be so disgusting lol. One of the only things you didn't copy me in was Gone and I think an anime but I can't remember XP. We both copy eachother and learn from eachother's mistakes. It's a big circle. I guess I should wrap this up soon or you're eyeballs might fall out from being over-worked. Anyway I wanted you to know that I love you tons and tons and I'm always there (tears are forming, legit) for you whenever you need me gurl! Umm.. *tentacle rapes*
Love your husband, Ayla~ heart
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