Meet Claire.
These are her Petfinder pictures. And if the pictures do not make you blink, then scroll down, because you obviously did not see enough of Candle, the little fluffy darling that I swear is Claire's soul-sister.

I have edited the following pictures into the original post as I first wrote it because I got more pictures and wanted to post them as well, so if you notice the timestamp of the pictures conflict with the timestamp of the original journal entry that is why. Because I can not get over it, I included shots of Candle at the end so you guys could compare. It is well and truly uncanny.

And these are Candle, spread out over the years; I tried to match them to Claire's because I thought it was so cute how much Claire reminded me of Candle at times...while at others being such her own little person. Claire is a little clown; she is well and truly a unique little spirit. I am very much enjoying getting to know her and I am glad we got her out of the shelter.

Can you guys see it? xD It is so uncanny how much she reminds me of Candle, especially at that age. Claire is approximately one year old, maybe, and she is into everything. I love it.
I did not want to say anything at the shelter when we first saw her because I felt like someone reached into my chest and squeezed at my heart but Asai voiced what I was thinking about her; another reason I love him- he saw the resemblance as well and it affected him also.
She is a darling little Maine Coon. Every time I look at her I can not help but smile. I am really hoping we can keep her because Asai is very allergic to cats...but maybe with time he will acclimate to her as he did to Candle. He's having to rely on pills and his inhaler a I am trying to remain positive without being a spoiled brat about things.
But is she not darling?
I miss Candle tremendously so Claire has given me something to focus on and give love to without just sitting here and fixating on the fact Candle is not physically here anymore. When I play with her I remember playing with Candle when she was that young...and it is like I am being given a second chance, in a way. I do not know how to explain it, but Claire makes me feel closer to Candle instead of making Candle seem farther away. Claire is very affectionate; I swear she knows that she is dealing with a sad human and is trying to cheer me up.
She does a great job of it. ^.^ I hope we can keep her but we may end up having to find a home for her if Asai's allergies do not improve. Here is to staying positive, though! heart
I am nothing if not stubborn as hell. ^.^ I always get back up, no matter how hard I am hit. rofl heart