Thirty things I have learned so far:
Always look for baby raccoons.
You can not hold a butterfly in a fist.
This too shall pass.
Walls keep people out; that is not always a good thing. Being safe is not the same thing as living.
If it is not happening now it is not happening.
Only the boring get bored.
There will never be time if you do not make it for yourself.
It is better to be kind then right.
There is no place like home.
Take care of yourself first. The rest will work itself out however it will.
"Should" is one of the meanest and saddest words ever.
Some people will love you for you. Some people will love you for what you can do for them. There is not much you can do about swaying people one way or the other.
You can only help the people that want to be helped.
It is easier to do things then to undo them.
Be here now.
Light a candle; it is so much better then just cursing the dark.
Don't live for what could happen.
Pain anticipated is hell. Another reason to not borrow more worry then needed- and worry is never needed. It does not help in any way to worry; take that energy and do something about what you are worrying about. Besides that, all you can do is accept things and just have faith.
You can manifest the bad just as easily as the good.
Do what is right. Not to be confused with what is easy- the two hardly ever go hand-in-hand; that is no reason or excuse to not do the right thing, just a fact of life.
It easy to praise whatever powers that be when you have a feast, much harder to do so when there is a famine.
It never has to be as bad as others would lead you to believe.
Life. Is. Not. Fair. It is also not personal, so there is no reason to behave and think that it is. Entitlement is an ugly, ugly thing and so is going around whinging about how God hates you, or how you deserve whatever for whatever reasons and blah blah blah. The world owes nothing to no one. Bad things are always going to happen to the best people and the worst people are going to have all the luck sometimes. It is just the way it works out. It is just another reason to appreciate the good that comes into your life as much as possible.
Never give up. The only thing you accomplish by giving up is failing; the only way to fail is to give up. You do not fail until you give up, no matter what others might say.
I can sit and cry for the rest of my life and think about all the things I do not have, was not given in life and all the things I lost. That is easy. It is also the surest way to make myself bloody miserable and is not going to help anyone. The one surefire way to make yourself miserable is to focus on all the things you do not have, all the things gone and all the things you think you will never have. It's also the coward's way out. Be grateful for every little ounce of goodness and peace in your life; there is no guarantee it will last forever or even for as long as you might think it will last.
The only life you can live is yours; it is not up to others to fix your problems nor is it your job to fix theirs.
Find your passion and then never let go. Do not look to others for support or to help fuel your fire because most people simply seem unable to keep their own dreams alive (if they bother having any in the first place because one of the scariest, thrilling, challenging and brave thing in the world is to have a dream and dare to keep it no matter what is thrown at you), let alone be able to help you keep yours. While most do not mean to, it is easier to just pull people down then it is to lift them up; most of the time the people that tug you down the hardest either do not realize what they are doing or they think that for whatever reason they are doing you a "favor" by helping you to see things their way. Look at your dreams as a little fire in a rainstorm. Keep it lit no matter what and no matter how dark it is you will have a little light.
Never give up. Never give up. Never give up. Never. Give. Up.
If it is not worth working for, not worth breaking your a** for, not worth blood, sweat and tears...then it is not worth it.
What you focus on is what you will get.
Always leave them wanting more.
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Rick Grimes 2020. Because this isn't a democracy anymore.

Things don't get better because you want them to.

All things serve the Beam.
Destroy your reputation. Be notorious.
Always up for a Walking Dead RP. PM me for my plots or toss me yours; nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Buying art of my OC.

Things don't get better because you want them to.

All things serve the Beam.
Destroy your reputation. Be notorious.
Always up for a Walking Dead RP. PM me for my plots or toss me yours; nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Buying art of my OC.