January 17, 2011 Monday 3:38PM
My dearest Sennyo,
On Saturday and Sunday, Nucc came over. 12:06PM he came over on Saturday. I was in the basement at the time, fixing my French horn. He texted me, asking where I was after being let inside by someone. Chrissy told him that I was in the basement after I called him, telling him that I was there. He asked if horns came in different sizes, however I then explained to him that the bell was detached, hence the seemingly small size. We headed out for Blue Ash Chili for lunch, only to find that there was actually a line of people waiting to be seated/to find a table. We then went back to the car and headed for Steak n Shake in the Mason area. It was really nice.
We came back to the house and hung out in the basement. We watched football and other things on TV.
We began nomming. E cdnyttmat res, geccehk res yc ra geccat sa. Ra ihwebbat so byhdc yht nippat sa drana, ihtan dra byhdc. Ra kud sa uvv yht E ycgat res ev ra fyhdat so byhdc uh un uvv. Ra cyet frydajan E fyhdat. E duug dras uvv, aqbmyehehk dryd ed fyc aycean, bmic E drehg dryd ra ahzuoc ed frah drao'na uvv.
Ra vehkanat sa. Ed vamd knayd. E fyc faynehk mekrd behg byhdeac dryd tyo, yht so haf pmylg pny. E dumt res du suja rec vehkan ynuiht suna yc E nippat rec ynay. Ed vamd fuhtanvim. Frah E fyc tuha yht cyet ed vamd knayd, ra cyet ra ryt "hu etay."
"Naymmo?" E cynlycdelymmo nabmeat.
"Ouin pylg fyc naymmo ynlrehk drana. (Oui fana?) Dra muitacd oui'ja ajan paah."
E ycgat res ev ra fyhdat y dinh, nabmoehk "sss, syopa."
"Syopa?" E ycgat yc E knubat res suna. E kud uh dub uv res yht ycgat res ev ed vamd kuut frah E nippat socamv ykyehcd rec syhruut mycd desa. Ra cyet oac. Yvdan nippehk socamv ykyehcd rec pyna ybbahtyka fedr so ihtanfayn uh, E nippat ed ykyehcd so pyna vmacr. Ra vamd cu kuut.
Ra ycgat sa ev E fyhdat du dno ed vun y meddma frema, cyoehk dryd ra fuimth'd lis ehceta uv sa.
"Ed fuh'd rind palyica E'ja ymnayto pnugah ed, nekrd?" E ycgat res.
Ed fyc ehlnatepmo vnicdnydehk. Ed fyc duikr du kad ed eh, gabd cmetehk yfyo, yht E luimth'd gaab res rynt ahuikr. E pakyh myikrehk palyica fa luimth'd kad ed eh. E vamd dannepmo ypuid ed mydan. Fa kyja ib. E ybumukewat.
Y meddma frema mydan ra dumt sa dryd huf E lyh cyo dryd E lyh keja res y puhan yc famm yc E lyh gemm uha.
Y frema mydan fa dneat ykyeh fedr res uh dub. Ra lusbmyehat ypuid ruf dekrd so kenmo byhdc fana yc drao cdilg du so lymjac yc ra bimmat dras uvv. Cdemm luimth'd kad ed eh jano famm. Drah, Caluht Cecdan cmyssat dra tuun yc cra lysa tufhcdyenc. Hill ykemamo cfabd du so nekrd, drnaf dra pmyhgad ujan sa, yht E kud rec bruha, bnadahtehk du vettma fedr ed. Cra ycgat ic cusadrehk, fa cyet hu, drah cra fahd pylg ib cdyenc. E ycgat res fryd dra ramm cra fyc ycgehk, ra nabmeat dryd ra ryt hu etay.
I apologized a lot later for it not working out. Then saying that I was proud of him for how quickly he had reacted. He said thank god for the door slamming, otherwise he never would have known. Later when he was back on the left side, me apologizing. He said to me,
"Don't beat yourself up." I love him so, Sennyo. I really do.
Mother person called down to us while we were watching football, telling us that she was going to drop off Second sister at her friend Sydney's house. We said, "Okay."
Father person asked us if we wanted to go to dinner at his mother's place. I asked him, telling him that I didn't want to go if he would feel uncomfortable there. He said no thanks. We decided that we were hungry though and got up. We went upstairs and put on our shoes, telling Father person that we were going to get Wendy's. We went there to find it incredibly busy.
He called me an expensive date since our meal totaled to $4.50. Silly man. I love him so.
He told me not to get upset, and that sometimes it does just take a little while for it to work. I asked him how old he was the last time he went to a strip club. 19 years old. He said he was turned off because he kept thinking about how many crouches had been rubbed against her a**, and he couldn't touch her. I didn't believe him. I asked him if any of the virgins whose hymens weren't broken bled a lot. He said he's only been with two, "Or maybe three?..." he said, but he only remembered one bleeding a bit on him, but it otherwise wasn't brought up at all. More of a player than I thought.
In the car I told him about how Panda and her ex-boyfriend Glass tried to have sex once, but it hurt her too much to do it.
We got back home and watched football in the basement. Mother person got home with the sisters from grandmother's house, and we watched football upstairs. We told her about the insane score the Baltimore Ravens had against the Pittsburgh Steelers. He stuck around, watching football till 10:00PM. He fixed the email problem I was having with my Android tablet! Father person had kindly offered him a room. I walked him to his car. He kissed passionately and he told me not to worry about it. We'd meet the next day at around 9:00AM since we'd have to leave the house around 11:30AM to go to the mall for my photo session.
When he got back to the hotel we changed the time to 10:00AM since we wouldn't exactly be as pressed for time.
I cried a lot, Sennyo. I was so angry at myself. I cried for you and _____, so much. Saying how much I am a failure and whatnot.
The next day I woke at 9:45AM. I wore my grey tank top and blue vest thing, and my brown corduroy pants. Grey underwear. Red bra. He arrived at 10:06AM. We hung out in my room, he wasn't really in the kissing mood. We hung out up there till 11:39AM, then drove with Mother person to the Tri-County mall with Second sister. Nucc was wearing the shirt I had made him. :3
It went by okay. Took less than half an hour. Nucc stayed with me in the room at Sears while Second sister went out and Mother person went out. We got out of the room after the shooting was done and sat down. Mother person joined us, surprised it took so little time. She took forever trying to decide photos, so we left to get lunch at Goldstar. I saw the twins and Aaron of RoTC from school there too, as well as a bunch of hipsters that the two of us were making fun of. We then walked around the mall. We went home and arrived at the house at around 2:40PM. We went to the basement and hung out. We watched Demolition Man, which was actually pretty good.
He turned off the TV and we nommed. "Assume the position." he told me. I did.
E hussat uh rec ayn, res aseddehk suyhc yht cekrc yc E tet. Fa knehtat ykyehcd aylr udran. Ra ihwebbat so byhdc, E dumt res dryd dryd fyc yc vyn yc ed (dra webban) fahd. Ra lusbmyehat ypuid so yht so kenm byhdc.
E hussat uh rec ayn, res aseddehk suyhc yht cekrc yc E tet. Fa knehtat ykyehcd aylr udran. Ra ihwebbat so byhdc, E dumt res dryd dryd fyc yc vyn yc ed (dra webban) fahd. Ra lusbmyehat ypuid so kenm byhdc, dra webban paehk cu csymm yht ymm. E ycgat res ev ra fuimt mega du dno ykyeh, bnusecehk hud du myikr. Ra cyet ugyo. E dumt res ra ryt du dyga uvv rec byhdc druikr. Ra teclyntat dras yc E duug uvv so byhdc. E kud uh dub uv res ykyeh, yvdan ycgehk res ev ra't nydran ra pa uh dub un sa. E nippat socamv ykyehcd res. Ra fyc ymnayto cu rynt, ihmega dra tyo pavuna. E dneat biddehk res ehdu sa, ra drnicdat y ped ajano huf yht drah, sygehk ed rynt. Frah E vehymmo kud ed eh, ed rind y ped. E knuyhat yht suyhat y ped yc ra fahd ehceta.
"Ec ed ehceta?" ra ycgat. E sujat uh dub uv res, kejehk res rec yhcfan. "Oac, ed ec." ra cyet cusadrehk mega. E sujat uh dub uv res, y ped yfgfyntmo yldiymmo. "Tuh'd ku duu rekr uh sa." ra kahdmo cyet. Ed vamd cu kuut. Tevvanahd dryh yhodrehk E luimt ajan bmyo fedr. Aynmo uh eh ed, E ycgat res,
"Bmayca, tuh'd tu ed ehceta uv sa."
"Tu fryd?" ra ycgat, muugehk sa eh dra aoac. Rec payidevim aoac.
"Lis ehceta uv sa." So raynd payd cu xielgmo.
"E fuh'd, E bnuseca." Ra geccat sa. Fa geccat bycceuhydamo, sujehk ykyehcd aylr udran eh nrodrs, cusadesac hud. E pnaydrat rayjemo, so vyla dinhat du dra nekrd. Hud yc muhk yc E fecr ed fyc, pid cu kuut. E vamd cu fad tufh drana.
"Ugyo, dryd'c kuut." ra cyet. E cdynat yd res, so seht cdemm y ped luhcisat po ed. "Tuh'd funno, E teth'd." E kud uvv uv res. Ceddehk haqd du res, E csemat knyhtmo. Ra ycgat sa ruf ed fyc/ruf E fyc.
"Ed fyc ysywehk(fuhtanvim?)." E cyet. E geccat res.
"E bnuseca dryd frah fa tu ed ed'mm pa silr suna paddan." ra cyet. E csemat yd res. "Ranb tanb, silr suna paddan. Silr epaddan/e." ra cyet.
We said "I love you" so many times. Not two minutes after stopping, Father person called down to us, asking us if we wanted to go to Red Lobster. Nucc said yes. Explaining to me that it was because he loved Red Lobster, and although he was planning on leaving at around 5:30PM, the timing was still fine. It was no later than 4:40PM when he told us this. We watched funny videos on his phone and kissed till it was time to go. Dinner was fine. A thirty minute wait, but Father person and Nucc talked a bit about the great internet configuration his hotel had. Dinner was really nice. We showed First sister the funny GI Joe PSAs on his phone at dinner. We left at 6:40PM and dropped Second sister off at her school for her play rehearsal.
We sat in the back, talking to ourselves in low voices.
"Today was really good." I said.
"Good?" he asked, a serious expression on his face.
"Awesome? Wonderful? Sugoi? Amazing?" I said, a smile on my face as he nodded in approval. We said those three words so much.
"I hope it doesn't make these next two weeks unbearable."
"Yeah. I guess it's a good thing that we didn't finish. Well, not a good thing that we didn't, but because it would make it less painful."
"Yeah. That's why I had to get you off." he said to me. Then quickly adding, "Well not get you off, but get you off." he motioned throwing me off his lap. I love him.
He left at 7:10PM, as he had received an email during dinner that he should be expected to work Monday morning. I walked him to his car. He commented how cold it was. We embraced strongly. "I love you so much, Stephanie." he said to me. I told him that I loved him too. We kissed passionately, saying more loving words, that we'd see each other in two maybe three weeks. We departed. I love him so.
I love him so, Sennyo. He called at 5:36PM, the call lasting 25' 58". I love him.
[End Log] 6:06PM
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