I not much of a talker.
I won't randomly chat to anyone.
I won't say "I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!1111"
I won't picture post "just 'cause"
I won't make rape jokes.
I definetly won't make cancer or aids jokes (R.I.P Freddie Mercury)
I won't text talk you to death.
I won't give away my email or numba.
I won't "pose" or "wannabe" unless I'm having a little fun.
I will talk crap about myself.
I am an outcast.
I am a nerd.
I am annoying.
I know people hate me.
I won't be mad if you don't like me.
I actually wish I had less friends.
But I guess i got what I got.
If you mess with me, I will not get you back unless I've been wanting to for a while (you know who you are.)
I sit alone at lunch and I like it.
And I will not explain why I posted this journal entry.
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I'm an alligator, I'm a mama-papa coming for you
I'm the space invader, I'll be a rock 'n' rollin' b***h for you.
Keep your mouth shut;
You're squawking like a pink monkey bird
And I'm busting up my brains for the words.