Vedo i vostri occhi, il vostro fronte, la vostra anima Ritengo la vostra passione e la vostra resistenza Siete baci morbidi come immagino? Sono i vostri tocchi caldi quanto il fuoco? È la vostra spada lunga e lo sharp quanto la vostra mente? Lo trasformereste cantare la notte e l'alba iniziale? Oh che cosa I non elasticità di t ritenere il vostro fuoco, toccare la vostra passione e ritenerla mescolarsi nei miei propri. Yearn per la vostra medicina speciale.

She stood before the tall, handsome man that gave off an air of power and control, her knees and legs shaking as she tried hard not to cover up her nakedness. His smile was sly and exotic, his dark eyes taking in ever inch of her exposed flesh in all it's tanned and toned glory. He stood in only a long black dress shirt, unbuttoned and exposing his own body, and to her the sight was like looking at heaven, if heaven were a man. Slowly he approached her and reaching out drew his finger tips along her bare shoulders and watched them tremble and rise with goose bumps. "So beautiful, such exquisites.” His voice rumbled deep in the lowest parts of her body and brought forth a soft whimper, held back behind her bit bottom lip. A deep scarlet blush of lust spread over her neck and face as she looked down, instantly wishing she hadn’t for now she had a perfect view of the proof man hood that stood ready and at attention. Gulping, she closed her eyes and took a slow deep breath, trying to relax her mind. With a soft laugh, he took hold of her shoulders and turned her around so that her back was to his chest and she stood facing the mirror. “Open you eyes.” It took a moment for her to obey, her mind running wildly with no thoughts other than unabashed passion and a hint of fear. The emotion was like a drug running through her veins, heightening all of her senses. When she did finally open her eyes and look at the full length mirror before her, she felt her ever muscle tense and her heart rate jump. He was looking at her body in the mirror with a look of feral need, like he wanted to devour her whole. His hands moved slowly down her shoulder blades and back, sliding to her waist where he slid his hands forward around to her stomach, just above her center. As he did, he stepped forward and pressed his body against her own and grinned in amusement as she shook from head to toe, her head falling back onto his shoulder as she closed her eyes. His skin burned against her back, his passion evident against the rise of her rear. “What are you going to do with me?” she asked in a shaky voice, wondering if he’d tell her or let her imagine come up with it’s own answers. “I don’t know yet, maybe nothing…” tilting his head forward he brushed his lips against the back of her neck and below her ear. “Maybe everything.” Placing one hand flat against her abdomen, he reached up with the other and took hold of her chin and brought her head down to look into the mirror as he continued to rain soft little kisses against her flesh, smiling as she shook, her back arching just the slightest in pleasure, causing her to bump against him. He held her head in place, not allowing her to move as he tasted her skin. “What would you like me to do?” Closing her eyes, she let her body surrender to his touch . “Touch me, please. I don’t care how just touch me.”
Commie Fanny Whammer · Thu Sep 16, 2010 @ 07:00am · 0 Comments |