I have finally found the book Witches by Kathryn Meyer Griffith, thanks to an awesome possum person in the forum, Calviness. I am such a nerdy book worm.
And I walked Panda today. Yay, he's not nipping at his back side as much anymore. I want a dog.
I've reached the 20K mark in writing my story, um. I've found the USB to my camera. *can finally upload* heart

I've also tried digital art. I can't say it gives me the same feeling. And it's defiantly not as hard as everyone makes it out to be when you say "photoshop is just a crutch" I know it's not very good, but it's my first one and all I did was press some buttons.
Desi the fuzzy fluffhead · Sun Sep 05, 2010 @ 09:11am · 1 Comments |