For the past few days I've been mind numbingly bored. and this is what I did:
1.Wrote 2. Drew 3. Tried to draw a picture of Eminem 4. Became dulsional and finished up with all the shading to realize the next morning it really sucked. 5. Took a gazillion pictures: Ashely: She found a giant flower hat.
   Panda: He's a sweet dog. But he is the stupidest dog I've ever met.
Rocky:He's a cool cat!
  6. I've read two books in 2 days. 7.Tried to go cross eyed. 8.Go for a walk 9.Star fish pose. 10. Became philosphical. ( I don't think that's spelled right) 11. Repeat steps 1-10 until something happens.
Desi the fuzzy fluffhead · Wed Jul 28, 2010 @ 07:46am · 0 Comments |