Apparently I like Battlestar Galactica.
To anyone that knows me fairly well I guess it would not be a shock that I adore Starbuck (it is like they created yon character for me to goober over); still, my liking the show on the level I have enjoyed it so far has shocked me. I did not go into it with much hope for it (I had my many catty, childish reasons that had nothing to do with the show itself) but I am so glad that I was talked into trying it. By episode two I was pretty much hooked.
Thinking about how much I have enjoyed this show made me think of other "Apparentlies" I have been shocked and delighted at coming to realize over the past year.
For your consideration, and my amusement, here are the top ten, in no particular order...
Apparently, I...
...Enjoy camping. I did not know that about myself. Last year the four of us went camping over Dragon's birthday weekend and I had a blasty-blast. Now I am eagerly counting down to his birthday this year because this will be our second time doing this and this time we have last year's adventure to learn from (plus, this year we are all sleeping in one big tent and that just promises that I will laugh myself to death and be yelling "CRAB- CRAB- CRAB BATTLE!" wink plus the added bonus of hopefully everyone having all weekend away from work. heart
...Can actually get to a point where I realize food might be better for my poor system then MOAR CAFFEINE BECAUSE MOAR. I am getting old. gonk
...Have learned to love water. Not just love it, but want to have it over just about everything else other then milk and an occasional soda. Or RedBull, but pretty much in two weeks or so both the milk and the sugary-drinkies-of-goodness will be cut out of my diet because I am going to reboot my abused system.
...Am looking forward to doing the marriage-living-together-eventually-sharing-living-space-couple thing. I still have this insane polarity in my head where I want both to be BAMF girlfriend and BAMF single Aries, but I am settling on being a BAMF Aries with a boyfriend. xD
...Found myself slowly but surely getting tired of playing an extrovert to the point where I am not planning on anything outside of work unless it is the camping trip or Strawberry wanting to do something for a few hours. I have seriously had enough and speaking of which...
...Will ignore you if you continuously PM me to the point where I am willing to block my PMs for a few hours until I can get some work done. It drives me bonkers that someone can not understand that some people have other things to do with their days that does not involve a login screen (okay, I need to edit that- I have a login screen at work but I consider that to be a different kind of login screen). If you see me online I will get to your PM/post/thread as soon as I can. That means as. Soon. As. I. Can.
...Have gotten over 86% of the food I use to enjoy. Which is kinda good- no one needs fast food anyway- but kinda bad because I have no real urge to eat like I used to. Unless it is certain things or I have let myself go a day without eating I pretty much do not want to anymore. Both good and bad about that, though.
...Find myself smiling more about things that used to make me want to cry.
...Am not as bad with certain things as I used to believe I was. A nice shock because usually it is the other way around or I find out I am super, super bad with something I thought I was good at.
...Do not intend to give up on myself, after all.
With that I head downstairs to harass spend the night with Strawberry. heart
Wish him luck. rofl heart
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Rick Grimes 2020. Because this isn't a democracy anymore.

Things don't get better because you want them to.

All things serve the Beam.
Destroy your reputation. Be notorious.
Always up for a Walking Dead RP. PM me for my plots or toss me yours; nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Buying art of my OC.

Things don't get better because you want them to.

All things serve the Beam.
Destroy your reputation. Be notorious.
Always up for a Walking Dead RP. PM me for my plots or toss me yours; nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Buying art of my OC.