When people go to my profile and look at my journal heading they will look and think: Ah, this person is very charitable. And I am.
Anyways: I stayed up all night last night to bake my aunt, who just turned 18, some cupcakes. I made a painting, that I didn't finish.
And I put together her gift, which made me feel amazingly clever. A cute purse and inside of it an Angel Bear "Guardian angel": So you will always be watched over A Sharpie: To leave your mark on the world White Out: So no mistake made be permanent and Sun glasses: Because your future is so bright you got to wear shades.
 See that shining white light? Yeah, I make godly cupcakes.
So, Charity went shopping. She done did got a phone:
She done did got a DSi, new shoes, new clothes. She done did a lot. I made a snow man out of rice and a carrot shaving:

She said, "Oh, wow, Desiree." And I said, "I know, I'm amazing." Then she knocked over my snowman. sad And me and rice snowman will never see each other again. We had such a thing going.
My grandma was as crazy as ever. Her case worker was there. Which was awkward. Her name was Ursula. The whole time I was thinking: Poor unfortunate souls. In pain, in need. This one longing to be thinner, this one wants to get the girl, and do I help them? Yes, indeed. Those poor unfortunate souls...You know the song from the Little Mermaid? But, my grandma looked good:

Then I left to go home and Charity is hitting the clubs. I'm not old enough yet. But I was falling asleep on the bus, walking home from the bus stop. In the shoer. I went to bed at like nine. I wanted to sleep until tomorrow, I woke up around Midnight.
I'm still tired... But Charity had a good birthday and that makes me feel warm and fuzzy. heart
Desi the fuzzy fluffhead · Fri Jul 16, 2010 @ 10:09am · 0 Comments |