HAI. GUESS WHUT Boosh!!*points down at crotch* I accually have a p***y ;3 Bish ;0?!! ACTIVE ON GAIA ONLINE !!? _______________________________________________ I am 100% Beautiful. Only if 50% inside, and 50% outside.  _______________________________ COⁿnGrATz! You're Accaully on my Profile!(( good4yooh! ))→ aye am worth: 946,ooo Gold™ ←
Look; & see
(([ Take what you got in life.
Ignore what bothers you.
Take what makes you happy,
Hold it to your heart,
And make yourself happy ])) __________________________________________________________
♥ And put my almost Fixed heart Under lock And key. ♥ __________________________________________________________
Can you Love me? <3
 <3 <3 AYE LURVE TEAL <3 <3
I love Penguins <D &&llamas O -O
I never to rarely get over an hour of Sleep Nightly
aye outlet emotions in poems. O -O
I LOVE hardcore and Kinky >;D
I get tired of my same old friends and their shet :l
I laugh randomly, and Alot. &I hate crying with all my Being.
I am an: Female Ex-cutter Insecure b***h Broken heart with dinosaur bandaids on it Fangirl Manga addict &Yaoi addict Half-Homophobe (( Only Lesbian, Bi girls, ect. )) Procrastinator Hypocrite Full-blooded German Ethnicly Christian Abuser Ex-wife
My left vision see's in black and white but my Right vision is Bright with un-named colours
I'm exteremly sensitive > 3<
I still <3 my life love Xion's <3
without Moozic <3 i couldnt find Any strength
i<3Art - Drawing - Writing <D
Sharp objects Are fun ;D
I beileive in, Love and worship >God<
I take many differnt Pillz. I'm slowly killing myself by doing so Though.
Life without Friends is not a Life
TRUE FACT:: I'm an inverted-schizophrenic.
:: !My Other Main? :: Vampireasaurus
 ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________- -______________________________
♥ I love Israel Ellieot Kochi. ♥
forcing myself 2b social · Fri Jun 18, 2010 @ 08:42am · 0 Comments |