Character name:Lestus Lea Evlin "Elizebeth"
Age:Upon arrival in this dimension:402
Sexuality:Anything that lives.
Race:Of the witch kind
Occupation: Scientist-Necromancer
Biography:Lestus lea Evlin,last child of the dark beings known as the witch kind was born loathed by her sisters, on the deminsional plane known as cap-ville.Cape-ville had once been a thriving city for the witch kind but now was the solumn home of Lestus and her sisters. Her father,last of the male witch kind, had died in the creating her soul,an enigma that could never be destroyed as long as it fed upon the souls of weaker beings.Her sisters,in scorn, gave her the task of creating new artificial beings to keep the race alive.To do this lestus had to be locked in the lab of her departed father studying in the magics of the witch kind and expirimenting with life itself.To counter the lonelyness and impending death Lestus soon developed an alternate personality known as Elizebeth.Elizebeth eventualy convinced Lestus to eat her youngest sisters soul in order to survive.After doing so Elizibeth became the entirety of lestus.With new will The creating of artificial beings changed into something evil.The sisters knew they had to put a stop to the madness before it destroyed them. They put their plan into action by temporarily sealing elizebeths powers one afternoon when Elizibeth returned from another dimension and was tired from the change in form.After this they banished Elizibeth to this dimension with no hope of return for her original body was destroyed in banishment.From that day forward Elizibeth has been living alone experimenting with life itself,always trying to create a companion to cure her never ending lonleyness
Mannerisms:Without compassion she speaks her mind and ignores others for she feels they are all lower than her.she is found easier to talk to when her dearest franz is with her.
Likes:Her franz,Herself and others admiring her,Pretty faces
Dislikes:Lower life forms, The realization of how old she is,When Franz has thoughts of his own

Username razz lasma Bubble
Characters name: Golumn #546,668,023 "Franz"
Sexuallity: Experimenting
Gender:None (known as a male)
Race: Artificial being
Biography:Franz was created by Elizibeth for companionship.Unlike most of Elizebeth's Artificial beings Franz was well liked and was allowed to live.In the begining he knew only Elizebeth but after she allowed him to read and gain knowledge he grew curious of others.Elizibeth hated Franz for his independance yet she also loved him for it so she left out of hiding or the first time in 380 years and explored the world with him.Only one problem arose from this, and that was mortals hated Franz and his mistress becouse his mistress had to feed.Magic can do many things but it doesnt stand a chance against a speeding bullet so Franz and Elizibeth had to find sanctuary before they came to harm.
mannerisms:Franz struggles between serving his mistress and trying to be his own person.
Likes:Talking to others,gaining knowledge,Nature
Dislikes:"A short leash",The insulting of his mistress,Wanting to follow his dreams instead of living his purpose