Avatars I just made.
 Doll of hidden vengeance
Story: Ariel was the most beautiful girl of the town. To most, she was an angel. They never understood why she married the freak doll maker, Ronaldo Tedson. It wasnt till she married him that she started wearing black. It wasnt till her daughter, Sephista (Seph for short) was discovered to be in a gang that she started cutting. Her husband, discovering this, did not approve. He wanted her to stay in perfect condition. So while she slept, he slipped into her room and poisoned her. Once he was sure she was dead, he dragged her body to his basement and started to design her body, removing her insides, putting lines on her and painting her body a permanent white. He made her the perfect doll. Her spirit, though, did not like this. She didn't want to be a doll. There was nothing she could do though. Eventually, her body began to rot so, sad she wasnt to be his perfect doll, he buried her under the night sky. He covered her whole body with clothing, except her beautiful face, so no one could see her appearance. Her spirit, as she was being buried, crept back into her lifeless body before he finished burying the hole. It wasnt till a few minutes later that he realized..her body was gone. Had he forgot to take her..or did her spirit drag itself out? He didn't know. He headed back to his basement and, on a piece of paper, wrote "Doll #1, Doll of hidden vengeance".
 Doll of Revenge
Sephista (Seph for short) was the Doll makers only daughter. When she was younger, she was a perfect angel. That was until she began to be tormented by those in her school. They made fun of her for what her father was. They called her a freak because the rumors said that her father dragged dead bodiesd out of the ground and turned them into 'perfect dolls'. She could no longer handle it. There was only one person who knew it wasn't true and that was the leader of a gang. Being accepted by her, she joined the gang. She began torturing innocent people for fun. That all stopped though the day she saw her father burying something. Her father..of course..noticed she was watching. She ran back to bed as fast as possible. Immeditalye, Seph fell asleep. Her father crept into her room as she slept. In his hand he held a bat. His last words to her was "My precious doll...I can't let you tell the others what you saw...you will be taken away from me if you do that...". With that, he pushed the bat down as hard as possible onto her head. Blood drained from her eyes as he did it. He dragged her into the basement and designed her as a doll. Sadly, her face was badly broken so he couldn't use her as a doll. He left the basement, thinking all would be good. When he came back down, he had a plan. He would drag her body to the river and throw her in. That would be her grave. He picked her up and left the house. Once he was at the water, he took a boat to the deepest part of the river and threw her in. Once the deed was done, he rowed back and turned to look at where he left her. His eyes widened with what he saw. Two girls were standing at the spot. One was his wife, the other was his daughter. It looked as if his wife was holding her back from trying to run after him. In her hand, she held a baseball bat. It was obvious what she wanted. He ran as fast as he could and headed back into the basement. He grabbed a small tablet and on it, wrote; "Doll #2, Doll of Revenge".
Sheepy Mareep · Sat Apr 24, 2010 @ 04:29am · 0 Comments |