hey, guys! if u r looking at this journal entry, it's our story(all of the ppl who r doing this wit me)that I've been talking about on some of the entries......Well, I guess I'll stop talking and get u on ur way, to reading it!(I edited it alot, cause my friends r just starting 2write, so I helped out a little! But they r doing much better now!) this is my girl, called Naira, but she's in the underworld, trying to excape, in this picture..
 this is Dezarea Bloodheart's character, called Danyella.(hint: She's a shewolf)
 this is Aira sunstar's character, called Aira Sunstar.(Hint:she's a neko)

this is Olivia ..M.'s character, her name is Spring Storm..(she doesn't own a gaia account)[hint:she's a water elf]
 this Lila Moonshine's character, called Lila Moonshine[hint:She's a semi-good witch]
 and I think that's all...enjoy the 2 half pages of this book....
Page 1
Naira sighed, as she roamed the castle halls, looking around. Naira hated having to stay inside of the castle walls. Naira walked past several guards, who bowed to her. She hated that and waved her hand angrily. They stopped bowing to her and went back to what they were doing, and she felt better. Soon, Naira went into her room and into her pool, hoping to avoid her parents and royal life. But a nock on the door interrupted her peace, “Princesses Naira?” her teacher asked from behind the door. “Yes?” Naira said. “May I come in?” he asked.. Naira sighed, “If you must, Dillen.” she said and the door opened. “Princesses, you were suppose to be at the history lessons your father, King Mendon, is paying for.” Dillen said to Naira. Naira got out of the pool and grabbed a towel, “Dillen, tell my father I have better things to do, than sit around and learn, things I have already know about.” Naira said to him. Dillen sighed, “It shall be done, Princesses.” He said and left.
Darkstar walked through the forest, walking beside the Maninwa, thinking about her mother again. Her mother had left when she was 4, though this exact forest. Whenever she walked through the forest , she felt her mother’s presence. She didn’t cry anymore about it, her father was mostly nice, unless he was in chief mode. Darkstar looked up at the Maninwa, “Why do you think my mother left? Did you see her leave us?” she asked it. The twelve-foot beast shook its head and rubbed its nose against her hand. “I know, to many questions and not enough answers.” Darkstar said quietly. “Darkstar??!? Where are you?!!” Her father’s voice asked. Darkstar sighed, “I’ll be back.” she said to the Maninwa beast and ran to her father, hoping he was not in chief mode.
I was walking through tall grass with my broom in hand, my father was on my right. “Do you think I am ready?” I asked. my father. “Of course I think you are ready!” My father answered. “If your anything like me, you’ll be great,” He added. I just hope I don’t mess up,” I said. As I got on my broomstick I didn’t feel as nervous. “What do I do now?” I asked. “Lean forward.” Mom said. Leaning forward I took off. My dad let out a loud whoop. I smiled, “This, is, awesome!” I yelled.
“We should make alliance with other tribes.” Danyella said, trying to reason with the head Werewolf. " I don't have time for this right now Danyella." said the head Werewolf. “I don’t see why!” “Danyella, not now!” The Head Werewolf said, hie eyes turning a midnight black color. Danyella turned into her werewolf fourm and ran off into the forest. She came to an open area where a bunch of trees have been burned down down and the only thing left was little tree stumps. Danyella turned back to her human form and sat down on one of the burnt tree stumps, “Why doesn’t anyone listen to me?!” She growled. “I hate my stupid life!” Danyella yelled angrily at the world.
Page 2
King Mendon bursted through the doors, “Naira!” he yelled angrily. “Where the hell are you?!” The king bellowed angrily. Naira looked up from her letter she was writing to one of the servants in the castle for her homework from Dillen. “In here, father.” Naira said nicely. The king looked at her, “Why do you always disobey me? This is why you can never do anything right!” The king yelled angrily at her. Naira stood up from her letter, “I do not wish to make you angry, father. But this life is hard on me! I do not belong in such a word, of royalties and worship. I loath being in this damned castle!” Naira said in a brave tone. Her father wasn’t very happy, “You will obey me, you will take those damn lessons, and you will always be royal no matter what you want and do not want!” He yelled at her. He turned around and left the room, where Naira sat down, with tears flowing down her cheeks, like rivers in the spring time.
Of course my luck was to get there and my father was in chief mode. “Darkstar, what were you doing in there?” my father yelled at me. “Dad! Every time I go into the forest you know all I’m doing is feeling for mom’s presence and visiting the Maninwa. So Leave me alone!” I yelled back. “Don’t you dare yell at me young lady,” He barked. “Whatever,” I answered quietly. I turned and left for the forest again with a sigh.
Naira stormed through the castle hallways and pushed people out of her way angrily. She hated her father and she wasn’t going to let him ruin her day. “”Princesses Naira !” Dillen yelled, running after her. Naira ignored Dillen and kept going. “Princesses! Stop!” Dilled yelled, grabbing onto Naira’s arm. “Let me go!” Naira growled and pulled away from Dillens grasp. Naira ran away from him and out into the castle’s courtyard. “Princesses Naira! Stop right there!” A soldier said, pulling his horse in front of her, so she couldn’t run out of the castle grounds. Other soldiers surrounded her and Dillen squeased through them, “Naira! Get back inside! Now!” He said. Naira growled, “No!” She crossed her arms and glared at him. Dillen sighed, “Take her to her room and keep her there. Watch her, too.” Dillen said and they took Naira to her room and locked her in, so she could not leave.
“Danyella!” Yelled the head Werewolf of my pack. “You know better than to leave the pack.”
Hotgirl of darkness · Mon Mar 22, 2010 @ 11:33pm · 1 Comments |