yo, just got on and right now IM LISTENING TO Crazy Bit h on utube(even though my Mother says I'm banded from it) but who gives a Sh*t anyways?? lol okay, so I really don't know what to do on this journal entry, but I'll try coming up with something...... OKay, here I go.
Maybe My friend wants to die, but I don't want her to go away.She says she's not wated in the world...and I bag to differ with her. Everyone is wanted in the world at some point in time! don't let death come in front of ur life! Yeah, I know ppl say it's nice, but U don't need to die right now! When u see the light, you see the light. but when the lights not ment to come ur way, don't except that the world hates u and doesn't need u! the world does, and that's a fact! SO LISTEN UP, cause I'm going to get off my @$$ and speak my mind. You may think that lifes a BIG joke, but it's not! so put down the knife, don't open that door, and do not jump off that bridge. Cause people care about you, even though u don't think so. So listen and read the news, cause Today is History and Tomorrow is a mistery. cool
 don't kill...that makes war start, and we don' need that.
Because, no one wants to die painfully. Regret eats away at the soul, death stops the heart..
SO listen to me, cause I'll pass away when it's time, but Hear this, NO one can change my mind, no one can kill this spirit, No one can move this brave heart out of its place.
Hotgirl of darkness · Sat Mar 06, 2010 @ 12:07am · 0 Comments |