Hey! it is me, hotgirl of darkness! woooooottt! srry, going random on u ppl! just writing in blue, cause one of my best friends in my rp wit 6 other girls now,(other friends of mine joined!)named Olivia .M. is a water Elf. so i'm devoting one of my journal enrtys 2 her! soo, i'll be doing this with every1 in the story, so... enjoy!
 This is just something in the real world, that she would look like... here is anime!=]
 here is another picture of her, but in anime.. i have used this picture before for her, but this one shows her in one of those Elfen gardens, ready for action.
 this is Spring(the Water Elf) playing with the spirits and being in a peaceful place, away from the war that is comeing to hunt them into extinction.(don't think I spelled that right!lol)
 this is a picture from one of my other stories, that I am doing alone, and Olivia loves it, so I thought I would use this picture in honor of her writing and brightness she brings to everyone in her smiles!=] see!this is one of her smiles! arrow xd
 when I saw tihs picture, I passed it by, but then I came back to it, after I had put all of those other pictures on here, before this one. It finally caught me by the tounge, when I was going to say it wasn't what I wanted, because now it does fit in.
 this picture made me thinnk of how they never really speak out loud to one another, but ever so queitly, they give a simple nod of their heads to one another and put a mental plan of action together in just that one nod!
Hotgirl of darkness · Thu Feb 25, 2010 @ 12:37am · 0 Comments |