<img src="Hotgirl of darkness'es realm of darkness _header.gif" alt="Hotgirl of darkness'es realm of darkness">
Hi.I'm actualy going to write about some stuff that's going on in my life, though, I bet no one's giong to read this.... I've got some awesome friends, when they actualy don't stab me in the back. Life can be great at home,too!={ I get yelled at alot, picked on by my father, and blammed on by my little sister. Mother doesn't get home till 5:30p.m. Or 6:00. And she's usualy to tired to do stuff, and that's when stuff isn't done, she yells and so does my father. though a rarely cry, my father can make me cry badly. If you met him and saw him in action, you'd get what I'm talking about. And AT night, I pray to God to help me.... Then at school, It gets even better.={ I have to be the perfect student, not get detentions and don't lip off. I usauly hate school the way it is, but when I have to pretend to be the perfect student, It makes me hate myself and HAte SCHOOL EVEN MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm trying to get threw the days, but I'm guessing that If this has to happen throghout High-SChool and college, I'm done for. Well, thats all for right now. Hope you liked my life so far.=}
snow, snow go away! I dont k what else 2 say!! miss playing wit her on fine summer days wish i could c her again