Deleted Posts

Our first post, before we opened:
Our second post, before we opened:
A third post, after i had changed the title to just "DO NOT POST:"
while we appreciate the help, these posts were deleted to make the thread look nicer.
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Original First post information:
~~~~~THE ORIGINAL IS OPEN: Please choose which thread that you want to help. http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/chatterbox/help-me-get-to-10-000-000-pages-chat-and-bump/t.5901199/ And there is nothing wrong with helping both threads!
Today, January 15, 2008, the original "help me get to 10,000,000 pages," known as 10,000,000, was locked. The moderator that locked it claimed that it was "per thread owner's request." We all know that this is impossible. K0nda-L0rd-0f-Eiganj0 (konda), who started the original thread back in February 5, 2005, would never request to have his thread locked. He had stated about a week before this incident that he had been hacked recently.
We now know what happened to konda:
Cataran Ok... This may come as a shock to some of you but I am K0nda_l0rd_0f_eiganj0 or konda as i have become known as. It may be hard for some of you to believe me since the abrupt end to the 10mil thread. Suffice to say my other account was not hacked but one of my friends decided to be an a*****e about something we got to disagreeing on politics and he nuked the mailing address locked up the thread and then changed my password while I was out getting some food. So I don't know when I'll be able to get back on as konda and unlock the thread if ever. With that in mind I hope you all will stay strong and keep it up. Luckily he couldn't get rid of K0nda's stuff so I won't have to save up to get some of it back and I started a back up character for if this were to happen to store my some of my stuff. Sadly i didn't get much out. If you have any questions you can pm me and I will answer to my best ability. I also wish to thank gate for starting up the memorial thread.
So, in case the moderator does not listen to our pleas konda cannot get his account back and unlock the original, i (gate) am creating this thread in memory of the original. (The original is open, we are continuing as 10,000,000 #2)
Congrats to kumicup12, first on page 150, who got 1500 gold from blade of zeus!!!
:3 10431275
10Mil_Peace · Sat Dec 26, 2009 @ 04:40am · 0 Comments |