Lotta stuff's happened...n' ah'm not about to go into detail, cuz that'd be a much longer commitment than ah'm willin' to go with...
This is mainly just a personal note...somethin' ah've noticed. Ah tend to internalize what's wrong with me..lashin' out in really passive aggressive ways...either by pickin' on someone through 'friendly banter' or verbally rippin' em a new one through sweet words laced with poison...
The more ah internalize...the worse ah get...mah temper gets really bad...guess when ah get really bitchy...that's mah cry for help...n' when ah dun get that...ah turn on the saccarine n' smile everyone to death while pickin' em apart like a vulture...Ah don't enjoy it..but ah'm afraid to do anythin' but that...S'what ah'm used to...eventually whatever is there will fade...n' disappear into the recesses of lost memories...until then ah just gotta deal with em...mebbe when they're forgotten..they'll be totally forgotten..so that no possible reminder (as there are many)...can spark them in my mind again...
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Deadpan, Capricious, Honest
I correct because I care...anything less would be uncivilized.

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