:B For cereal, i'm gonna make her pay back for all those times she's ever pissed on my blankets that falls off my bed or took a dump in the corner of my room D:<
So, I'm selling signs with her in them for 5k a piece =w=
Reason for pricing i think are fair -
1) she's damn hard to catch sometimes
2) she's damn cute
3) she's a damned pooping machine dammit
The sign will consist of nora in an adorable (humiliating) pose of your choice ^^, and your username stuck in their somehow ^^
Past signs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ I also make crappy banners and icons for your viewing pleasure ( PM me if you want to commision me to mae you one ^^ ~

These were made for my wierd little retarded sister - junie chan OwO
Nora ~
Nora senses impending raep >>
Nora sticks out her tongue in your general direction
Madame Joli Rouge · Mon Dec 14, 2009 @ 10:52pm · 0 Comments |