Working on it.
For now I have to crash. I have work later and I pushed it to the max to get my PMs and emails answered and frankly, max pushed back. sweatdrop
But as of this posting, I am caught up, bebes! heart
Now to work on guilds, comments, getting the new profile coded and up...
And that is just the Gaia-related stuff I wanta work on!
sweatdrop A perfectionist's job is never done. xD
View User's Journal
Rick Grimes 2020. Because this isn't a democracy anymore.

Things don't get better because you want them to.

All things serve the Beam.
Destroy your reputation. Be notorious.
Always up for a Walking Dead RP. PM me for my plots or toss me yours; nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Buying art of my OC.

Things don't get better because you want them to.

All things serve the Beam.
Destroy your reputation. Be notorious.
Always up for a Walking Dead RP. PM me for my plots or toss me yours; nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Buying art of my OC.