There was once a star,
Everyone knew him,
Whether they hated him,
Or they loved him,
There was never a person who didn't know him,
He was a man of unimaginable wealth and fame,
He was born into poverty,
But he climbed the ladder,
Yet he was never truly happy,
Though he was a genius at what he did,
He was never a sane man,
He burned so strong, so bright,
He was so young when the flames sparked to life,
And it grew until he couldn't get any stronger or brighter,
And the flames lasted for such a long time,
It even lasted longer than the flames
Of the menorah on the eight days of Hanukkah,
The flames even spread all over the world,
Engulfing us all, as we embraced it,
He helped heal and warm the world,
The world used to be so warm and cozy with him around,
It continued burning until one day he mysteriously burned out,
Leaving us all alone in what's now a frozen world,
Everyone everywhere mourned,
We cried,
We laughed,
There were mixed emotions,
All of those emotions of passion, sorrow, and thankfulness,
He was burning so bright,
His flames were so strong,
I never thought he would give up that easily,
He left behind so much,
He influenced many people all over the world,
He opened up so many possibilities,
He was a great man,
He was a trend-setter,
He was a pioneer,
He was a humanitarian,
He was Michael Jackson.
"Heal the world, make it a better place
for you and for me and the entire human race," -Michael Jackson
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Belles fleurs fleurissent
Cet amour que je ressens pour toi est fort
Pensez a vous nuit et jour
Je soupconne que vous sentez la meme chose
Alors, venez a moi mon amour
Et que les fleurs s'epanouissen