I have a few ideas in mind. I'm not gonna give you the details, but the story is how the Uchiha clan fell apart. Yes, it's gonna be another emotional story.
I happen to do this very often, if you haven't noticed. I like when my stories can make someone cry. It means it touched their hearts. ( And plus there's not really anything happy to write about. )
I will continue to write on those other fan fics, even though I haven't done that recently. I still need to work on other things like homework as well. So please be patient and enjoy!

( This picture is not from this scene. I did not make Naruto. However I did make this fan fiction. )
Once again, Itachi didn't show. As the rain continued to fall down from the darkened sky, the thought of loneliness reappeared. When did it ever get to be like this? Itachi always used to be there. He promised to meet Sasuke. He promised to train him since he rarely ever does anymore. Instead he left Sasuke there, shivering within the cold. Sasuke waited and waited.. but he never showed up.
Tears began to fall from those dark eyes as Sasuke wrapped his arms around his knees and held them close to his chest. He began to wonder if it was all his fault that the family was falling apart.