AHHHH i forgot to blog yesterday ! crying i was just so busily tired / and just plain old busy, xd
so this is how august 21st, 2009 went down: woke up obviously, smile but woke up still sick and stuff, which was kinda saaad (N) but later lunaluri, camilaavendano, jamaicababe & me went to tanners to play monopoly smile WE PLAYED FOR LIKE 4 HOURS STRAIGHT ! heart

later, lunaluri & me decided to go to camilaavendano's old house to paint her stairwell LOL it was like, we got more paint on us then the walllls ; ) and DOOD, i got friggen WHITE paint in my damn hair, boooo (U)
 oh well, had tons of fun and recalled the story of how me & lunaluri CONVINCED sensative hammer & fetchh that we DROWNED @ secret beach LMFAO and they believeddd us it was hilariouuuuus (L) ahahaha okay i'll stop making fun of them it was a good day, then i had to go to bed for saturday, which i'll blog about in about 2 mins smile
anyways, you know you love me, xoxo, pbbbbbjelllllllly heart
peanutbutter-jellay · Sun Aug 23, 2009 @ 01:30am · 0 Comments |