949,339 Gold
Based on recent marketplace dataPrice List Code (with avatar):

Total Value: 949,339 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Trick or Treat Tote 3rd Gen.
Kodiac Grizzly Bear Slippers
Tomo's Basket
Reve Rouille
Tomo's Basket
Buttoned Down Feather Pants
The Nightmare 4th Gen.
The Nightmare 4th Gen.
Included in Price:
Trick or Treat Tote 3rd Gen.
95,364 Gold Kodiac Grizzly Bear Slippers
49,732 Gold Tomo's Basket
208,354 Gold Reve Rouille
173,026 Gold Tomo's Basket
208,354 Gold Buttoned Down Feather Pants
595 Gold The Nightmare 4th Gen.
106,957 Gold The Nightmare 4th Gen.
106,957 Gold