Long ago, an ancient evil, by the name of Anibellis, was unleashed, after hundreds of thousands of years of being contained in a small, jewel peice.... It, or She, as its better known, has been unleashed once again, cuasing hell to all innocents and animals she comes in contact with..... I have been sent here, created is a better word for it, by the hell below, and heaven above. Dark, they call me, after they dark ages.... there are three people of whom must assume these profiles, one female, two male
((night or day quiestion means do you work in the night or in the day?))
Age:all you need to know is i'm over 5,000
POwers:Flying, healing,
Night or day? biggrin ay
Weapons:a staff, wityh an orb @ the top
Occupation: Darks personal assistant,
Romantic status?:alone, always been
^ still up
POwers:none, yet
Night or day?:Night
Weapons:a sword, bow and arrows, and a scythe
Occupation: college teacher assistant
Romantic status?:alone, likes dark
^ that one is reserved
POwers:telepathy, freezing time
Night or day? biggrin ay
Weapons:Kickboxing, empathy
Occupation: DEmon hunter
Romantic status?:single, looking
^still up
Name biggrin ark
Age surprised ld enough
POwers:physical telepathy
Night or day?:night
Weapons:Stillettoes,with blades as heals, bow and arrows
Occupation: Assasin of the demons and demon asscosiates
Romantic status?:alone, never looking
^ i am her, DON'T EVEN ASK TO BE HER!
area: school, marketplace, mall, feilds, and the strrets((woods and forests always))
Time: now
yes, others can join in on the fighting, just fill this out, this forum can't be active tilkl tomorrow, pm me if you want to be any of the above
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