First of all I want to thank Cee for the idea for this entry- it has been a long time coming (and took hours to compile, since IE 8 hates Photobucket like I hate early mornings) and something I had thought of off and on for years, but during one of our conversations we started talking about some of the hilarious stuff we have come across on Gaia- including but not limited to user's rando-fits of crazy and stuff you can wander onto in Towns or whatever- and it hit me hard for the millionth time how often I fall all over in love with Gaia again because of something I saw that made me laugh and laugh, days, weeks, months and even years after I originally saw it.
What can I say, I am very easily amused.
I have image folders full of stuff I have made screenies of or found here and there, snippets of quotes saved in Notepads for such an entry, because I've always been an emotional pack-rat and if it made me crack up I simply had to keep it. Now with nearly five years under my belt of being ga-ga over Gaia I felt like it was nearing a good time for me to post some of the stuff I have collected; bear in mind that this is just the tip of the iceberg (the best of the best, I guess one could say; I've not the time and Gaia does not have the character-limit to allow me to put everything up in here that I have saved) and this is posted in the spirit of my own unique sense of humor, which, I will admit, takes a like-minded soul to understand at times. Some of this is just something that tickled me and probably will not tickle you on the level it did me and that is cool, that is fine- I just wanted to post some of this simply for the fun of it and if you get even a little chuckle out of a couple of these then that is more then I could have hoped for.
If you want to ask questions about certain of these- because I understand that some of these do require a little bit of explaining- then feel free to post about what you are wondering. I tried to pick stuff that stood alone, that did not require me explaining the funny part of it, but like I said before most of this was just stuff that made me laugh because...well, because I am crazy. xD But at least I am fun. xD
Just hit the button below to see the full entry- I did this for the sake of anyone that is running on a slower system or connection because this entry will be image-heavy.
I hope this makes at least some of you laugh, or smile at the very least. I have to wonder if some of the stuff people posted was ever meant to be taken seriously...and to any of you that recognize your name or something you have said or did on here...
Thank you for making me laugh. Flare really loves to get swept away and really lose herself with a good laugh. It's one of the best medicines that there is, no?

<span id="test28901457">. . .</span><br/><div id="post28901457" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;">

HazyXXIII nightlight it honestly was probably moved by a mod that didn't know what you were talking about. also, you might have worked to present a little more explanation about what you were discussing in your first post as i'm betting most gaians don't know what you're talking about either... so my threads are only valid if the majority of gaia has the brains to comprehend them? well. i'm ********]  Ophidia Serpentes the only way i would want gaian babies, is if we could hold them upside down like the kiki kitties. twisted     Vanslaz Legend Rave Demons don't wear sashes. Angels don't have tails. See the logic? Shut up. are you either a demon or an angel? Do you know personally a demon or an angel? see the logic? thank you.    Tangled Up In Blue Joltykun I think the better question is  ... ... ... Your mom. ninja   Stereochrome Impressive post. I have saved it as a souvenir now. *dangles 'I Read Flare's Post' keychain* surprised heart blaugh [********] ((What made this one for me was the big block of text that was under it; I found this in someone's siggy and the text was "DID YOU JUST TAP ON MY ******** TANK?!"
Again, I repeat that I am very easily amused. xD))PandoraSky ((gimme a min.... that long post kinda killed me... i have to take moment to absorb it all.... ))  Stereochrome My new favourite insult is "You look like a NAZI SPERM!" You deserve huggles. *huggles*  Jin_the_Kaze xd God I love the way you state things. "Cause I have seen some people's avis that look so irked. xd " I laughed for a few minutes on that one. xd Don't ask me why, because I don't know. Seemed hilarious, though. Asai Kaiyosho moonscout I've got a question - Lanzer posted 2 hours ago that the site would be down in a few moments for the roll back ... why hasn't it happened yet? He got banned for threatning the entire community. Yupui I AM A NINJA. I HAVE POINTY THINGSSS. AND I WEAR FISHNETSSS. AND INHALE RAMEN AND SHOOT FIRE OUT MY NOSE AND OH. JUST SO YOU KNOW. ORANGE TOTALLY CAMOFLAUGES AGAINST EVERYTHING. BELIEVE IT!  gahitsu ROBOTRA Fukiomoi ROBOTRA gahitsu
Isn't that what every idiot flamer says at the end of an e-argument? :3
"I could do better but I just WON'T."
Uh, no. It's what people who don't feel the need to inflate their egos say. For someone who doesn’t need to inflate their ego, you really seem like to inflating your ego. Inflating one's ego and trying to smash someone else's are totally different. I'm just telling you people what most of society thinks of you~
You'll find when you grow older/get more experiance that ANY attempt to belittle people or show them the error of their ways IS an act of ego-inflation. Telling them won't change anything; you're smart enough to know that, and so it shouldn't be hard to realize from there that all of this that you're doing is to flex your own superiority over these people.
Manky: I'd sign my p***s for you, but, you know ... gonk heart
[********] Twistex LunaFeather Uh.... Why.... Uh.... Dont you people.... Uh.... Let the topic die? Because it's fun to watch stupidity spiral into outright jackassery.  Twistex Azurre[N!nja] Twistex Azurre[N!nja] LunaFeather Im gettin my a** out of here befor I do somethin stupid and get in trouble! Same. I am here for the topics. Not some people telling me how to Q N A whore...Haha I know I don't want to be a b***h or nothing biggrin xd Too late. [=Spam]You've never dealt with me before, have you? wink  Tarav Heart-A-Tact  WHATS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? I SHAT BRIX!  Stereochrome Now, dice. I like dice. My friends, who are introducing me to D&D have to constantly make sure I don't eat the dice. But I can't help it, they're so cool and collorful and differently shaped you just wanna take a bite. >.<  Twistex Kawaii Kokezaru Blue as in turquoise. mad Not in the mood to be corrected. Too bad I'm in the mood to correct. Guess life is going to suck for one of us.  [~Faust~] Jaffer bitchychic Well, Now who is getting off of topic? And making CHILDISH remarks. I was on topic with my post before last. Then you completely ditched the discussion, returning to dissing on me. What's the matter, can you not multitask? confused Oh noes, looks like it's time for me to go--I actually have high school to go to tomorrow, whilst you're probably in what, elementary, or junior high? It doesn't matter. If you think I'm running away, my AIM is Yukirosai--I see you have AIM as well. If you still want to debate after tonight, IM me sometime. If not, then I'll be forced to believe that either you've accepted your defeat, or you're just too cowardly. surprised So, this is good night. Thank you for trying, at least.  that is a fale pic stare  Kiyomizu The storyline had me literally on the edge of my toilet seat! xD  White Leo They are NPC, non user characters who are controlled by the Admin to add a little Flare in Gaia with the conflict between Isle de Gambino and Durem. The Store keepers also count as Npc, as they also have Avatars as well like ours.  Kestreal Rebbacus Bob Dobbs  RUN GINO RUN! Squee! whee You would think one would topple over if one's head was that gargantuan.  raelshus I would pay to see a brain fall out of someone's ears. It would be fun to watch  Logan 6 ((Hehe, sorry, I'm not sure what to do though, aside from shooting up signal flares but that might create alittle unwanted attention.))  Aerion Aeceaus Darkblade Thanks for posting something on the wrong board and wasting space. Congrats. 3nodding *report* Remember, these kind of threads are not allowed. ...... ....... Give the report about 10 seconds, and I'll answer it for you. razz  shipin232 hell no i am like about 15 but right now i am 14  The Lost-Angel Xx_Monkey_D_Luffy_xX BAN THEM! IF THEY ARE CAUGHT POSTING IN A NAKED AVATAR! This is not pg-13 anymore. I see more n00bs in the chatterbox bragging that they have a Naked Avatar. *beats you over the head with a Nakid Barbie Doll*  dukeofduck The Crying Boy V.4 God ******** damn it, I'm so tired of hearing from you and your damn hacking. No one gives a ********, and if you'd put any thought into that idea once so ever you would see how idiotic that ******** "idea" is. Flame on n00b  hamsterwheelofdeath GuardianCentauri As Lightning Usagi said, they seem to be eliminating the naked avatars this way. As such, I'm not aware of any workarounds to this other than loosing your avatar's naked status to add the glasses.
Btw, your signature image is over the limit of 100,000 bytes. Please change that. confused u stink like poo  Twistex TheMaddestHatter Twistex TeH GoD Guys... guys... It's okay... I'm here. Look... Jesus said he thought the picture was funny, so stop fighting over it. Kthnxbye. heart That's just asking for more people to get offended and declare YOU against the TOS. Mwahahahaha, thank you thank you soooo much, Twistex. xD You said EXACTLY what I wanted to say myself. xD Next we shall have people declaring that others are against the ToS and then sooo many people I know are screwed. xd Oh, i'd be proper ********]  Kaelshazar OOC: HOLY CRAP! I WAS SO NOT EXPECTING THAT HUUUUUUGE POST!! *dies* >_> <_< >_> This is going to be enjoyable...  lishuss That's what happens when little boys act like smart asses  and so is that ((...D'you think he's mad?)) HentaiTentacleDemon Asinastra HentaiTentacleDemon alrite! i got pics! w00t! willing to fight back tentacleboy? bring it on biotch! scream *smack you on the head with a tentacle* evil  Velox7 Jaridus I'd get e-married, but I'm self-conscious of the size of my e-c**k. Haha! e-c**k...XD  finkleys--ghost well i'm confused.... my avi got banned for posting a picture that was too big and bumping in the wrong room..... so i made this avi and behaved like a right b*****d.... bumping....spamming loads and being a real annoying ********..... yet.... no warning.... no ban... well thats really got me pissy now... i get banned for a too bigger pic and a bump in the wrong room yet not for being a b*****d.... well the avi that gaia banned (finkley777 i love tea!) had 250000 worth of gear....is that why... well the good news is i have lots of emails and have now put an avi with them so if i get banned i can change to another.... the bad news is gaia has pissed me off so i'm gonna spend any free time i have pissing gaia off.... THERE IS A WHIRLWIND UPON GAIA THAT IS GONNA RUN THROUGH GAIA DESTROYING EVERYTHING IN ITS PATH....I'LL BE RIDING THE WHIRLWIND......C YA  William Black Ruevian LOL BOYZ LOCKED IN CAGES GRLZ HAVE KEYS!! That sums up my first couple months on Gaia. ninja  TriOmegaZero If you write as much in your RPs as you do in your journal, I'll be hard pressed to keep up, but I will gladly try. ^_^ Please feel free to PM me with whatever you would like to try. I'm glad you didn't forget about my little thread.  Sephroe Zion Quit spamming. The items are so damn easy to get. Wait until midnight tomorrow. Crap happens. It's called Gaia.  Anni Akasuro Anni I'll do it tomorrooooooooow! 
surprised When the sun comes out?  I came.  Le Misseh Yugi Himura Can i plz have the horn of the demon? O.o Turnabout Improv chii on toast it is very cute i must admit and id love to have one but they cost too much. anyway the elemental hair looks ok but it would be better in the salon, but would have to be quiet expensve and the sword, well we dont need anymore wepons. Yeah, the sword was created for those crazy weapon obsessed guys. You know, the "ninjas" of gaia.   Warangel Zenith Britney Spears. rofl   Asai Kaiyosho I love you, even if that did make me question your state of mind, but i'm used to that.  ryanshome12 i want a dam cookie... stare CeeKari  Berries and death, berries and death, I'm a little man who likes berries and death. And apples. Protect your iPod. Ryuk eats Apples. Eiryn Fox *is rolling about on the floor* ARGHH MY EYES!!! THEY HURTS FROM DA WALL O TEXT (and now from the caps! LOL ) *points up to the green wall* rofl do I have to read it?  Sir William Black You, sir, need a Zoloft leik whoa. Treklink256 iPoohB3Ar MOB wat i mean is like when u get raedy 2 buy u can see behid u ? DO JOO SPEEK TEH ENGRISH?  Dryson Setmuni Requiem Dryson Setmuni Requiem Jera Arrows Setmuni Requiem gaia is the only one getting the gain. EVERY ONE HATES THE BOXES. point made I love the boxes, do NOT speak for everyone. I'm saying every one as a majority. okay dude seriously that is the first XD. you shouldn't say a untrue statement with another untrue statement. Majority of all Gaian's actually don't have active opinions you know kind of a tunnel vision effect I guess meh, I don't even know what I'm saying half the time. not exactly something you would want to admit but at least you where honest about it   lushrocker MK Wings. thats it just wings, really. thats all its good for. What a peice of S#17.                 ((Sorry I hit you, Jesus. sweatdrop I hope we can still be friends.))  megafrost!!!! smaller posts please, its what im used to sweatdrop lol when i saw your first post.... i was like... eek    RadiantFlare ...You can't fax glitter.          ShadowDragon2501 bob barker should be dead not retiring      ShadowDragon2501 noone has eaten your people ((...Yet.)) ((Thank you for adding that to my collection, Cee. rofl heart ))   Chromefox Is it just me, or did that emote disappear overnight? Couldn't they just have claimed it was a teeth-gnashing biscuit/turd/piece of wood/other brown thing? My Attitude Would Kick Yours In The Jimmy Yes. Because everyone lies awake at night wanting to think of turds with teeth. Sir William Black re: Profile comment - And many people seem preoccupied with attempting to get back into a v****a. Some people even try going face first, in a delightful, if slightly icky, show of symmetry.  Unca Rukus I am tired of hearing all this "who did what to who for a Klondike Bar"
Now in the time it takes for you to have read this, you could have went out and shot yourself... at east twice.. in case you missed the first time since about all you are good for is being a f'up.
Good day.  ((Honorable mentions for stuff I was not able to find my screenshots of- the one that spawned the infamous cry of "BATTLE HER." and some of the best responses I caught of people trying to figure out what Sevi's Invisibob was. xD Oh, man...Those were the days. heart )) ((And these last two are for my crew. heart You know who you are. HONK! heart ))  </div>
RadiantFlare · Tue Aug 04, 2009 @ 09:17pm · 5 Comments |