*sigh* ok about me....well where to start. Im 16 I dont keep track of my height and dont know my wait (im guessing some where around 110 Lbs), ppl say im nice and ive been told im understanding yet I dont believe ppl. I currently live in England (BLAH!) and have disliked it since I got here. My favorite type of music is rap and hiphop, but ill listen to anything but country and classic XP. As you can see by my avi im a furry (PLEASE dont ask) but I keep that to the internet. I love avi art especially when its free 3nodding . I haven't really gotten into anime because they dont show it over here so suggestions are loved. Im very slow at typing so sorry if it takes forever to write something out. Im not looking for a relationship so please dont ask me if i would like to be in one ( You know who you are!). My favorite animal is the cat but I rarely talk about cats because it seems like 85% of ppl prefer dogs XP which I really dont like btw. I love planes and always will but a few years ago cars took over my mind and now I have an obsession for them. For some reason that only God knows I dont like being anywhere near teens my age, thank goodness im home school XD. Ive never done an RP and im to scared to try it out. I also love computers and know a little bit about them to, and i drool over Alien wares sweatdrop I wont except a friends request unless ive talked to you. I dont have a gaian family but would happy to become part of one. I have a bad need for speed, so much so much i would love to ride shotgun with Smokey Nagata (look him up on youtube to find out who he is)not to mention im a big fan of his work 3nodding and its probably bad that I am XD. lol I think thats enough about me, if you want to know more just talk to me. If your a noob and need help with anything id be happy to help. I would like to get into art but dont know where to start so help is loved. And if you ever need to talk or need help im always here and listing and so is the Lord.
I like: cars, planes, computers, speed, biking, furrys XD, kind ppl, video games, anime and chibi art, sugary and sweet things, anything that has to do with Japan (I used to live there), Christians or any one who believes in God, movies, bold colors, cats, ect...
I dont like: most GDers, mean ppl, dogs, bass less music, England, most British ppl irl, on the internet there nice (srry...), ppl who cuss a hole lot, pathetic jokes, ppl who call me gay, school, traitors, and so many other things.
 Total Value: 569,762 Gold After Exclusions: 520,749 Gold [Item Information]
Item List: Angelbow Inari's Beads 3rd Gen Heart of Gold CoCo Kitty Plushie Celestial Wrap Blue Holographic Eyepiece Cool Baggy Starter Pants Blade Of The Angel Wing's Tunic Blue Cat Collar Deluxe Cat Ears Cat Tail Gills Superior Form Brown Stripes Torso Tattoo Brown Stripes Right Arm Tattoo Brown Stripes Left Arm Tattoo Brown Stripes Head Tattoo Brown Stripes Bottom Tattoo

Ninja Neko
 Total Value: 65,689 Gold [Item Information]
I always look like this when im on Gaia VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
Hogosha neko · Wed Jul 01, 2009 @ 01:32pm · 0 Comments |