Listen to the screaming,
watch the walls closing in,
it's all just a dream,
wake up with a start,
you don't know where you are,
blood on the walls,
writing you don't understand,
you fall to the floor,
not caring where you land,
you drift,
watching the walls scream at you,
see the souls hidden inside reaching out,
asking for help,
grabbing your arms,
making you fall,
listen to the screaming,
as it gets louder,
watch through the wall,
as you fall,
seven stories,
they're there beside you,
screaming louder as you get closer,
it all goes dark,
and a distant noise..
listen to the screaming..
![]() DeathLies Community Member ![]() |
Community Member
You write alot of really good poems!
your way better than me >.>