OK Ahzelle and Robyn! I know you gots no nekos, so I picked 2 out for you. If you want to change them let me knowww~! =w=
I've adopted a neko! Name: Near Likes: Instant Ramen, finger puppets, L Dislikes: Mello, scary things Owner: "I gots no owner, but I gots a person who would be mad if I said that." (a.k.a. Miso) You can adopt one too!Adopt One! I've adopted a neko! Name: Isabelle Loves: Li hing mui, music, her friends HATES: Ramen! Yuuuck! How can Near stand to eat that <.< Owner: Ahzelle You can adopt one too!Adopt One! I've adopted a neko! Name: L Likes: Sweet foods, caramelldansen, Near Doesn't like: Salty foods Owner: Midori You can adopt one too!Adopt One!
Sooo... I assumed Ahzelle wanted a gal neko and I assumed Robyn would want L, as apposed to Near. =w=
Now here is what we look like! As anthros =O (because I ain't no neko xD)

Name: Miso Likes: Her neko near =w= Doesn't like: STUPID anthros, such as Tokyo Mew Mew! They should die D=<

Name: Ahzelle Likes: Green, music Dont like: Uncooked ramen! I wonder how Near eats that trash <.<

Name: Midori Likes: Black, anime Doesn't like: Girliness... You Sailor Moon freaks can get the crap out of here >.<
Mini series: BEGIN
Miso types in blue n_n Ahzelle is red! =O Midori is indigo, like it matters -_-
I EPISTAXIS I · Thu Jun 04, 2009 @ 07:07am · 0 Comments |