Eyes that blossom are the tranquility of what remains of us. It is peculiar that you notice my habits of the uncertainity through which the damned world lies within some pool of the nothingness.
It drowns you ever so perfectly and as such, it demands your life. If my words seem to bother you, then I'm terribly sorry. For I am just a man with simple words that describe my indulgence towards your stupidity if I may add. I think it's possible if you were describe a ridiculous fantasy character such as a vampire, werewolf, or even a damn clown, I would take a notion that you are incumbent and need to leave my presence.
I think these fantasies of yours make me want to vomit out my own blood. You believe everything you read, hear, and see. The eyes can fool you but not me. You only see with your eyes, not your mind. Your mind gives you a more broaden picture if anything esle.
If you don't know any of these "big words", then it's called a dictionary which is a book filled with several words and their definitions.
Thank you and have a nice day,
((Wow, he's really speaking the truth. He's talking about how people are stupid and how they should get a hold of reality as such their demands are not unjust. They're just pointless.))
ObligationtoMercy · Thu May 21, 2009 @ 10:38pm · 0 Comments |