Bwahaha. Digital drawing made by me. xD Its not really good coz this is just my first time. actually second. my first was worst. I dont know how to use those thingys. the brush waaa Dx I dont know what are those called.
This is my first drawing. Bwahaha. its so ugly.

second. the one I just did this day =]

haha. at least the second one looks like had improvements. xD I actually used a table in drawing so some marks arent really that crooked unlike the first one and I also had a lot of time in the second one. I drew the first one during my study hall at school. it was like 5-10 minutes only. blah .__. Im talking to myself as Me know. o.O
ooho oohh this one. I made using MsPaint. bwahaha. so low tech o.O Dx My mind was of a ten year old kid. :3

Since I have no one to talk to except me myself, why not? o.O Okay, this is the start. Haha. Feeling dramatic. I need to change the font size for this in case someone, which is impossible, will read this. o= Haha. Just being precarious. precarious? what word is that? I dont even know the meaning. ._. Precaution. but it sounded weird when I connect it to the thingy. argh. blah. I just dont like how things worked. Twisted I say. blah. OA. DOA. Dead on arrival. -randomnesss- It really hurts, like a pin crushed within your bare palms o= I felt betrayal. I dunno why. Weird thing about me. -sighs- This is life. What else can I expect. They have their own lives. They're not even my property so I have no right to own them. I dont possess them so I have no right to feel this way. Why should I? -sighs- Life is cruel. Blah. Okay, so my life is twisted. Few moments ago, I was all hyped up knowing they at last appeared and then... its like I'm invisible. Haha. What should I expect? I dunno. My stomach is having a weird feeling right now and this thing. ARgh! Scorn it! Smile even if it hurts
-Gullible GingerBread- · Sat May 09, 2009 @ 05:29am · 0 Comments |