color o teh day: dirty grey mad
geah... I'm bored and sick at home... AGIAN! darn these stomach bugs! so.. yeah. i've turned to gaia insted of sleeping because of my bizzare dreams. lol so im jsut going to ramble on and on for as long as possible. good luck with keeping your sanity. twisted hmmmm.... ohhh HAPPY B DAY,RACH HAPPY VERY BELATED B DAY, SHADOW AND HAPPY ONLY SLIGHTLY BELATED B DAY, OLIVIA! there. yay. ninja soooooooooo... omg! the weather yesterday was WEIRD! first it was sunny, then rainy, then sunny with dark clouds, then raining and sunning at the same time, the hailing and sunning, the hailing and raining and sunning... the more sun... but it was NOT warm. n o siree. it was COLD. (lol it took me sevrel tries to type "cold" cuz the "s" got in the way XD ) hmm... what else to say... nothing new is really happining. ACCEPT THAT RACH WANTS TO PLAY CARDS WITH A CARROT AT THE CREEK/POND/REALLY, REALLY FUN PLACE!!! GROSS, RACH! that probably didnt make any sence to you. poor you. so ignorant. if you did understand what that ment then you would be laughing (or pondering the goings-on in my mind) for a totally diffrent reason. whee hmmm... what else... oh! i'm very proud of my nails. they're so out of fassion they're cool. jsut like Mrs.Sangers puke green swetter with little suqirrles on it. jsut like my shirt that is now rachels whirt thats so ugly its cool. (it looked bad on me, but somehow she turned it cool. O.o OMG SHE'S MAGIC!!!) anyway. here's a pic of my awsome nails: GAH! NO! MY CAMERA IS OUT OF BATTERIES!!! looks like you'll jsut have to wait. poor you. *tear* XD awwww! CREMA! IMS KILL YOU! EGAH! stupid cat... she jsut knocked over the entire blank cd container. and now all hundred or so are strewn all over the floor. darn. ohhh! sun! leeeeet the sunshine innnnn leeeet the sun sine in! the sunnnn shinnnne innnnn! WOOOOOOAHHHHHOHHHH!!! yay. :3 i think ima write a story for you! lucky you! hm... or not... by this point in the entry you probably arent even reading anymore. the ones who are are my closest friends and have no life. biggrin so congrats to the select few who are bored enough to read the useless words that i spew onto a non-existant journal. btw: I WIN! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAA! hmmmm.... because studies show that people are more likley to read boring things that have pictures in the then boring things that dont... here are a coupple of little pickys for your enjoyment (all of which i took, btw)
 there you go. guess who the first was wink seccond one is my cat, Marvin. isnt he beutifull??? the one in the middle is a pic i took at the coast. the last one is my dumb little sister. the seccond to last is a certan someone who would probably not want tme to mention her name. HINT HINT PERSON! DONT YELL AT ME PUBLICLY FOR POSTING THAT PIC!!! but its a funny/scary/weird picture anyway, so i put it up. HA FOR YOU, _______!!! hmmmm.... what else.... im sorry that i've been full of myself this entry. i get awfully bitchy when im sick. sweatdrop sooo... yeah. I WANT CHOCOALTE CAKE!!! *cries* screw chocolate cake, now i want chocolate cereal.... WHICH WE HAVE! WOOP! i hate that when im sick i can eat only one food and nothing else... see ya later, i got to tend to the important task of reading the funnies and eating marshmallow mateys. biggrin
TheMusicNote · Tue Apr 14, 2009 @ 05:08pm · 1 Comments |