To my friend: I'm sorry if I didn't use all the juicy dialogue in here, but I still have to tell my part of the story. It can't be soley base around the fight scene in the sqaure.
Aoi sped towards La Place de L'Opera as I frenziedly tried to comprehend what was happening. Mat was in Sunset Town and he had brought a friend with him. They were still searching for the mermaid princess, as was I. Aoi sent off some strong waves of emotion with me but no memories came with them.
As we flew past buildings and down alleys, I caught the distinct smell of cherry blossoms. 'That was the scent of her favorite shampoo,' I thought. As we got closer, I could hear Mat's voice shouting at someone. "Think about what you're doing," he said.
"What's there to think about?" came the angry reply. "I have my orders from Lelouch and I am here to obey them." (The voice seemed to bring the sensation that I knew it from somewhere. I shook it off in order to hold on to Aoi's hand more tightly.)
"You are a poison aiming to destroy mine and his love." the voice continued.
"That's the s**t he's got you believing! That's what you think. I'm trying to save you!" cried Mat. "He doesn't love you! He's in love with your singing voice... and your kindness to him even though he's a monster. He's made you a prisoner of his madness, a damesel in distress! He's brainwashed you! Can't you see that?"
"Lelouch.. has done nothing to me!"
"He's done something to your mind and heart because now you're hiding your own face from the world. With a mask, just like he does. It's like you're his reflection, like you've become him! You're hiding your face from the world and living your life covered in blood!"
Their words struck me where it hurt. Not too long ago, I had been where the new muse of the Phantom was right now. He had embraced me, comforted me, play-acted Shakespeare with me, shared in my empty existence. When he had left me, I hadn't been ready to see the light. In a way, I still wasn't ready for the words still hurt me as much as they were hurting the young woman. (I thought I heard them mention something about a kiss and I remembered that when Mat had kissed the mermaid princess, I had felt similar pain. That's it! The mermaid princess must be nearby.)

Aoi screeched through a turn and charged into the square where the battle was taking place. (She wasn't as fast as Mat but she still had gotten us there so fast that I had to wait for my stomach to catch up with me.) I saw Mat fighting a girl about my age with black wings and she was wearing a matching lolita dress. She had white hair and red eyes. Lelouch's polar opposite and perfect match all in one for she lunged at Mat as if she aimed to kill, and she did for when she tried to get at him he batted her dagger away and it vanished in purple sparkles.
That didn't stop her though for she kicked Mat in the stomach and he was sent flying straight at me and Aoi. She backflipped once and kicked the sword out of his hand, sheathed the sword she had used in fighting him, and the dagger reappeared in her hand as she lunged for him. Mat blew a gust of wind from his palm (I had put my hands in front of my face the wind was so strong.), but even though the dagger was knocked out of her hand, she summoned it back just as quickly as she landed on top of him. The agent of darkness was closing in for the kill; I had to do something.

"Hey, Mat, guess who I... OMG!" exclaimed Aoi from beside me. This distracted the dark angel long enough so that I could aim an energy ball, which I had been working on since Mat had almost literally blown me away, at her. Her mask flew off as she hit the ground after soaring about 10 ft. away. The dagger took a slash out of her right wrist and she screamed in agony; Aoi and I rushed to Mat's side as we prepared to take on this new opponent.
"Melissa!" Mat yelled as the dark angel sat up. Melissa... where did I know that name from? As I came closer, I saw that she was much different from her disguise. She still had the same outfit and wings, but her hair and eye color had changed. Pink hair tumbled down to beyond her shoulders and as Mat gazed into the chocolate pools of her eyes while helping to patch up her wounds, I knew that this person was related to the mermaid princess in some way but I couldn't quite finger it.
Apparently she didn't want the help for she kicked Mat in the face and as Aoi and I ran to his aid, another unwelcome voice rolled over the square. "Melissa!" Lelouch shouted as he ran to his dark muse's side.
"Lulu!" she cried happily. Mat fell on his back (He made a small crater in the cobblestones.), Aoi slapped her forehead, and I stared confusedly on for a few moments. Then, something clicked, and when Mat asked me, "Where the hell did you get Lulu from?!", I answered, "Think about his name for a minute: Lelouch. It sounds like 'lu' at the beginning, and it gives you 'Lulu'. It's her nickname for him." (Even though I wasn't happy to see him, I still found it funny that he had been endited such a funny nickname.)
"Lulu" ( lol I can't get over how funny/cute that is.) swept Melissa off her feet and kissed her forehead. "Are you okay Mel (his nickname for her I guess)?" he asked. Mat growled and I knew that my prediction from a month ago had come true: he had fallen for whatever sort of person was in Lelouch's arms, but I just couldn't place why this person and the returning memories of the mermaid princess seemed to bear a similarity.
"No, it hurts," she replied, looking up at him as he surveyed her condition. "I'll fix that," he said.
Aoi tossed Mat his sword, and I drew mine, as we prepared to fight the treacherous "Sollieri". "Where do you think you're going?!" Mat yelled. "We have a score to settle!"
"Another time," Lelouch said as he and his dark angel vanished in shimmering mist. (I totally agreed with Mat calling him a coward. He needed to face the results of the destruction he had wrought. I guess the Tarot-reader's words were being put to good use. [see Ch.20])
Later that evening, Mat, Aoi and I had gathered around the side of the abandoned operahouse. We had spent the remainder of the day searching for Mat's mermaid princess but without success. "Mat, we've searched this place a hundred times. She's gone!" Aoi said as I plopped myself tiredly on a marble bench. 'They've had this same conversation all day,' I thought as I gazed up at the moon. 'Here we go again. rolleyes '
"I know she's around here somewhere. I can feel it," Mat said.
"Mat, I know you have feelings for her, truely I do," I said, thinking that I had better put an end to the arguement before it started. "But you have to rest sometime. (He looked as if he hadn't slept since the day that his Melissa had disappeared. I had finally remembered the princess's name.) You're not a machine. You're more or less human."
Mat hadn't transformed into a wolf tonight, which I thought was odd since the moon was out. That didn't stop him though for he crankily said, "Go to bed if you want, but I'm going to keep looking for her! I'm going to find her, I'm going to set her mind straight."
Knowing it was pointless to try and change his stubborn mind, Aoi and I retreated to the public beach. The stars had come out, the waves broke quietly against the shore, and there were only a few people left on the beach. The perfect place to catch what Mat refused to place bait out for: sleep.
As sleep drifted over me, I thought about what had started all of this madness. Melissa's eighth boyfriend, Jordan, had been with another girl behind her back and to her face. I had brought her back to my house, after seeing her go through an emotional transformation into a Sailor Mercury type person, and offered her bed and sympathy. A few nights later, she had disappeared from my life.
"That's the idea," a familiar voice said. "Remember your friends."
"If you're Jareth or Lelouch, go away," I said, mildly pissed that someone had decided to intrude on Aoi and me while we sleeping. "I am in no mood to speak to you right now."
"I guess you'll have to wake up and see. You can't tell if it's me with your eyes closed now can you?"
Such arrogance, and yet such playfulness. Where had I heard it before? I opened my eyes and saw Flotsam bending over me.
Spoiler alert: Yes! This means there will be another Flotsam chapter. WOOT!
srs diva 2011 xxl · Fri Apr 03, 2009 @ 10:35pm · 1 Comments |