And to get my creative blood flowing, I shall create random characters with two second back stories and intro scenes from each picture! Let the madness commence!
 Adrian. Superhuman/altered cyborg. He was fatally wounded in a fight ten years ago, and is currently searching for the man who saved him.
White petals and emerald stems parted and flew off into the night as Adrian touched down, giving one last flap of his metallic wings to keep his balance. His gaze swept across the empty field, taking in every detail that was humanly possible. Nothing. Nothing but flowers and moonlight. A static voice crackled into life, speaking softly in his ear. "Any luck?" "No..." Adrian said flatly, still turning. "Bummer." "He was supposed to be here!" The cyborg shouted, swinging his blade to the side and releasing the handle. Flashing almost indignantly, the sword flew off into the darkness and landed in a patch of clover. "Ow... Easy on the equipment." The voice said. "Sorry Lex." Adrian apologized, almost reluctantly. "You may wanna go get that blade." Lex pointed out smugly. "You're gonna want that soon." Even through his rotten mood, Adrian knew his friend was right. Not giving him the satisfaction of agreement, he merely walked up to where the sword had landed and plucked it from the bed of vegetation. "Want to check the second signal? I've got a location pinpoint." Lex suggested hopefully. Sighing, Adrian flapped his wings, once... twice... a third time... and jumped into the air. "I don't really have a choice, buddy. I'm running out of time." "Tell me about it." Lex laughed. "A year ago, you would have cussed me out for pointing out a flaw in your reasoning. "I still might."
 Marion; fifteen-year-old on Halloween.
 Moria and Kate Logan. Twins.
 John and Cleo. John is the older, shy brother and Cleo is the tiny little sunbeam that talks to anything that moves.
As the subway bumped along, rattling horrendously with each little jump, John noticed that Cleo's head seemed to be weighting his shoulder a little more than usual. Turning his head, he looked over at her little frame slumped against him. "Cleo... Hey, Cleo.. You're not asleep are you?" A small grumble escaped her mouth, giving Johnathan all the answer he needed. He sighed, and slid an arm around her to stop any unnecessary movement from waking her. "Your girlfriend is quite the chatterbox, isn't she?" John looked up, scanning the subway car for the owner of the voice. It wasn't hard to find in the nearly-empty space. A tall, thin man sat directly opposite the siblings. He wore a nice, tan suit (probably just going home after work) and held an open book in one hand. "She's uh... She's my sister." John answered, looking at the man's feet. "Oh?" The stranger shut his book and set it on the empty seat next to him. "You two don't seem much alike." "We're.... We're not." John looked to Cleo for help, but it didn't look like she was going to wake up soon. Why'd he decide to talk with me now? He thought hopelessly. Why not ten minutes ago?
 Sarah and Jesse. Two absolutely inseparable siblings. Sarah is one year older than Jesse exactly, and tends to rub off on him.
"Jesse! Jesse!" Looking up from his book, the rather pallid boy's face broke into a grin when he saw his sister Sarah, streaking across the soccer field towards him. His smile was not so much because she was coming to see him, but because she was running through the very middle of the game. Dodging several girls in volleyball T-shirts, shorts and leg warmers, she made it across the grass without incident, although she did manage to get a cleat-shaped bruise on her shin. The older girl skidded to a stop, showering her brother with the grayish bark chips that littered the swing pit. With mock dignity, Jesse brushed the splinters off of his book and attempted to look down his nose at Sarah. "Yes? What do you want?" "Oh shut up and listen, Baron." Jesse snickered, but shut his book and looked over at his sister with rapt attention. "That's better. Now, you know how Mum said we were going to get transferred out of Glennwood?" "Yes..." Jesse was wary now. Their mother had said several times that she would be able to transfer the siblings out of their current high school, and into one with a better social scene. They hadn't told her anything, but she had deduced for herself when he had come back with multiple bruises. 'I fell down the stairs' certainly didn't work on that woman. "It's official! She's got the papers all signed up and we're getting un-enrolled on Friday!"
 Niles Milo (Spike) Hale.
 Cressadah Roxanne Savinia.
 Riviares Tiammos. Sometimes it pays to look well-dressed. No one suspects you of stealing. The cat's name is Garrett.
 Lara. (See CoRW2 - Funeral scene)
 Sherri; just a normal little girl.
 This is Samantha, she is a marionette created by the master Adrian.
(Oversized) From left to right: Anna, Lloyd, Kiki, Ruth and Anton. All brothers and sisters of the wealthy Stanimir family.Kiki and Ruth are twins, and generally keep to themselves. Lloyd and Anton constantly vie for the position of Anna's favorite, though Lloyd is much better at hiding the fact that he is trying.
 Emiline Hoani. She uses a form of black magic to manipulate elements - it only works if the raw elements are in front of her, though. (To create something out of fire, she needs the fire)
Anjeka · Sun Mar 08, 2009 @ 02:56am · 2 Comments |