Dear Journal, OKAY! LOTS TO SAY, SINCE I MISSED YESTERDAY. Excuse? My sis's friend came over and they had to do a project...but they HAD to use the comp T^T. Anyways, last night, or toes got swollen. And last night, after i showered, MY TOES WERE BLUE gonk !! But its better now 3nodding . Okay, now, todayyy and last night on my Wii i made alot of Miis. I made like Misty, Ash, Brock, Pimplup, Pikachu, Peach, Daisy, Mario, Luigi, Team Rocket, and my 3 friends. OKAY NOW TODAY my step mom told me that she was at the mall and was in a clothes store...suddenly...JENNIFER LOPEZ AND HER CHILDREN and her guards PASSED MY STEP MOM!! blaugh !!! My step mom was so surprised that she didnt take a pix. She didnt even no that was JEnnifer Lopez at first o_o. With all respect due, UnderConstructionPaper

No, thats not the pix when she was at the mall. rofl
TofuCloud · Thu Feb 19, 2009 @ 02:51am · 0 Comments |