Jareth showed me in through the door. The study was a quiet place, small but tidy with books lining the walls of the circular room. I wasn't surprised by it's appearance; what did surprise me was that Mat was suddenly sitting on the red couch in front of the desk!
Mat looked just about as surprised as I was. He was singing a lullaby for a few seconds ("If I Never Knew You" it sounded like.) before he looked startledly around. "What the h-" he almost said, but stopped since Sarah was in his arms and he didn't want to wake her. Lowering his voice he said, "Where the heck am I?"
"Forgive me Mat," Jareth said coming behind the desk and sitting down. "I thought I'd save Anastasia the trouble of telling you what I would have related to her. Hence, you are sitting here singing a lullaby to..."
He trailed off at the sight of Sarah, more like lost all powers of speech really. "Who or what is that in your arms?" he said after an awkward moment of silence.
"She is my daughter," I told him proudly. He eyed me quizzically. "Adopted of course," I added quickly.
"I must say she is quite pretty. She looks almost like my future queen, Sarah. (He had no idea that I had named her for the same person.)"
"How goes that? I could help you with your courtship if you like."
"Another day perhaps. We have important business to attend to. Now, both of you come over here," he said, indicating a large circular mirror with his left hand.
Mat shifted Sarah into a more comfortable position in his arms and loped over to Jareth, me following at a graceful walking pace. "A mirror," Mat said. "So what?"
"Do you dare mock objects with special powers?" I asked him. stare He shook his head in reply.
"Ana is right. This mirror is quite special," said Jareth. "It shows me whatever I wish to see, unclouded by vanity or illusion." He turned to it. "Show me Melissa Sapphire Triton. Show me where Lelouch has taken her."
This Lelouch person again. Just who the hell was this person supposed to be?! I gazed into the pool of truth and to my relief I saw Melissa, safe and sound, singing a beautiful song near an underground lake.

But...who was this with her?! A young man, distinctly like the one I'd seen in G-clef cave, singing in the most beautiful voice I had ever heard. It took all my willpower to not fall victim to it, for such was its beauty and clarity.

Correction. It was the man I had seen at G-clef cave, gallavanting around with my best friend, and Mat's girlfriend, like it was nobody's business! evil "Let me at that little ingenue! I'll show her what it really means to do a tango with Phantom!"
Jareth restrained me with his arm and waved the vision away. He put his hands on my shoulders as I sank to the ground, sobbing. I was hurt, enraged, jealous, and shattered all at once. (My best friend was dancing with my first love, without me there, and what's more he seemed to love her more than me! cry ) "Such is the nature of Lelouch," Jareth whispered in my ear.
I was so blinded by my tears that I didn't see Mat shaking like a leaf in tornado-force winds. He put Sarah down in Jareth's armchair I would find out later and then swirled in darkness as the sun set outside the window. He stalked around the study, snarling as if he had invisible prey in sight. Jareth knew what he hunted, and it pained him that he couldn't do anything to stop Mat while he was in his wolf form.
I looked up at the snarling but didn't scream. I just went back to letting tears rush from the waterfalls of my eyes. Mat came over to me and nuzzled me under the chin, whimpered a little, then sat my side grieving silently.
"Your friend is strong," Jareth said, still restraining my shoulders, "but she has still fallen victim to Lelouch's charms. I blame myself partly for I taught him as much. Such a pity he didn't want to keep his true name; his father would have been proud."
"What do you mean?" I asked, my tearstained eyes meeting his. "Lelouch is not his real name?"
He put a finger to my lips and said, "All in good time my dear." Then, he pulled me forward. Our lips met and he squeezed my body against his; I tried to pull free but his grip got tighter the more I struggled. Eventually, I went limp in his arms and started to try and kiss him back. Lelouch didn't matter anymore; all that mattered was this wonderful man kissing me like I was the last woman in the universe.
(Mat turned his head away. He didn't need romance of any kind right now and this majorly one-sided make-out session was kind of grossing him out.)
He pulled away, wiped his lips, and asked me, "Do you feel better now?"
Better? More like euphoric! I had never felt so happy in my life. "Jareth," I said in a cute voice. "Can I ask you to do something for me?"
"Anything for you my dear." He bowed to me, his muscularly toned arms stretching out as if he wanted more.
"I'd like you to throw me a ball in honor of my 16th birthday. I have a feeling we may outthink our clever friend yet."
srs diva 2011 xxl · Wed Feb 18, 2009 @ 11:05pm · 4 Comments |