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stoies from the heart
He yelled, “Get up you lazy bums!” He grabbed Taco off of my bed and through him at me. I Woke up, amazingly, and kicked him were it hurts. Katie started laughing until he gave her the death glare. “Don’t look at her like that, with your bug eyes!” I insulted. “Shut up before I report you to the principal for use of physical violence, and then you will be expelled!” he tried throwing at me. “Violence my butt. I’m about to take a lemon and squeeze it into your eyes, and then you will have a reason to yell! Now tell me why you had to wake me up on a Saturday!” I angrily declared. “Saturday? Oh no we’re late for class!” Katie exclaimed. “We have class on a Saturday?” I asked stupidly. She nodded her head yes. “I hate this school,” I mumbled. I went to my first hour class, which had to be math. I fell asleep in that class. Then, the teacher came over to my desk and hit me in the head with a math book. I slowly woke up and asked, “Why did you hit me in the head? I was trying to sleep you jerk!” I stood up out of my seat and kicked him in the chest. He got up. “You think you’re a tough guy, huh! Well next time you hit me with a book the remember this pain!” I teased. He then grabbed a book and threw it at me, and exclaimed, “Don’t make me get the tazer-gun out!” “Go ahead and get the gun out! See how long it takes me to take you down!” I yelled with attitude. All the kids started snickering. He pulled out a big, huge, brown gun. He scratched his bald head. He kind of looked like a bald ferret with a shot-gun. I was laughing at him. He aimed his gun at me and shot. I dodged all the bullets. I grabbed his gun, and flipped him onto a desk. The desk broke in half. The teacher was knocked out for five minutes. When he woke up, he was too scarred to even talk. In stead he let us talk to each other. Katie looked at me with her big bug eye look. “H-how d-did y-you d-do t-that?” she stuttered. I shrugged my shoulders and fell asleep.

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Full Moon Eternal Snow
    Community Member

    Sun Feb 08, 2009 @ 05:40pm

    LMAO soooo funny kick there asses man seriously xD

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