hmm.. the weekendz are bout to end....tmrw'z monday.... and ii'm bored ((obviously))... aniiother subjects??. lol~ :XP so. ii'v still got atleast 3 SUBJECTSS of h/w ii havn't even TOUCHED since Friday and are due TMRW!! .. see how BADLYY ii want to break this habit?! -gawd- @_X . well-- ii'm not the onlii one atleast. sweatdrop ii tlked to sempaii the last couple daiiz and he hasn't either. lmao-- yay. ii'm not alone!! blaugh hahahah. anihoo- he knowz my problem though emo part of me is trying to urge the other part to hurry up and giveup in lacking independencey. xDD haha so. iit'z exactly 11:00am right now and ii'm drinking hunny-water my mom brewed for me ((SOO SWEETTTT!!!! 4laughwhee well- unlike icetea, it isn't relly a source of my hypersyndrom but ..HELLYEAAA.. it tastez AWESUMM!!! xDD oh- u know yesterday, the package frm Jie arrived ((and mum went to pick it up at the postoffice)). She sent it all the waii frm Ohio ((LUUVV HERRR!!!)). && OMGGGGGG~ ii'm still speechless. she gave the entire series of TwilightBookz!!! GIIYYYAAAAAAAA~!!!!!! U SEE Y II ABSOLUTELY LUV HER AS A COUSIN??!! lol -^^- . but unfortunately ii can't give a bigg huggie at the moment emo awwz.. ii just can't keep my eyes off the books for ONE DAY!! blaugh luvv themmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!! ((ok.. ii'll shutup now cuz last time ii exclamed this event to sempaii >>which was yesterday actually<< && ii kinda began babbling awaii witout noticing sweatdrop heh...)). ii gtg now erly. dad woke up and he need comp. wirte lterz ^^ <33
x SugarRose x · Sun Feb 01, 2009 @ 07:05pm · 1 Comments
LOL. Honeywater tastes , AWESOME. ROFL ! I doubt Kevin will understand how excitedly hyper you are about Twilight , but gosh.. What about mee ? I certainly do ! I got really upset yesterday , and I was talking to your sempaii. He said he had tears in his eyes cause I was sniffing and cr4p. -changechannel (: