Ignoring every t e m p t a t i o n...
There are some things in the world that just make me NARNARNARGRRRRR in anger. And now I shall list one of them today. People who are all "oh Heath Ledger doesn't deserve an oscar he only got nominated cause he died." Wanna know what I think? I think that's bullshit. You wanna talk about overrated things? TITANIC. WON. BEST. PICTURE. NARNARNARNAR. SO OVERRATED. I think a lot of people are all "narnarnarHEATHLEDGER" because they're usually like "OH YES MAN JACK NICHOLSON!" Honestly, Jack Nicholson did a pretty good job as the Joker, but Heath Ledger beat him by a mile. He put his heart and soul in to playing out that role, I am almost certain. I became very sad that he died after seeing him in Dark Knight. A lot of people say that he only is liked in that role because he died. Again, I think that's absolute bullshit. I would still think he did a fantastic job if he was alive. And I think most everyone else would too.
Anyway, I would like to say R.I.P. Heath Ledger.
Oh yes, and because this entry was deemed "narr worthy" I shall end with a hearty NARNARNARNARRRRRR
Only to destroy my sanity
dalia salvd · Fri Jan 23, 2009 @ 06:25am · 0 Comments |