I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I love you and i'm sorry.
It was the biggest highlight of my day, I swear on my life.
I was so over-joyed...I don't know how I could have possibly forgotten for even a second.
Okay, okay calm down! Jesus...
Today was an immesnly spaztastic.
In math class I watched as Keith (A friend of mine from another class came in, the teacher didn't care which was quite awesome, anyway he hooked up his ipod to the speakers and turned on this happy-go-lucky Jonas bothers meets back street boys song, then he began to dance in front the whole class, this well choreographed preppy thrusting dance. Then he does over to a desk with Scott (Another friend) Sitting in it and he takes his hand and starts dancing around him.
The dance resembled this...

And this...

And this, all mixed together with lots of jumps and stuff. o3o

It was probably the most random thing I have seen in all my years.
This is the song that he danced to, the WHOLE thing, he even thrusted at my teachers desk.
Also during lunch, me and some of my girlfriends brought our little friend Ari into the crowded library and used some heavy duty hair spray to spike her hair. =D
In the library near the end of the day I noticed this book sitting on the shelf, a REALLY crapper American manga that name "Manga Messiah"...it was a manga book about Jesus, though they changed the names and stuff. I laughed VERY hard...it was amazing. gonk
Oh goodness and i'm so busy! Everything is just piling up, re-modeling and cleaning my room ,drawings I have to finish, projects and art assignments. It's insane. I also need to get a job...i'm broke. xp
Alsssooo, I have recently been walking on sunshine, rainbows, fluffy clouds and in raining ******** gum drops. I have been in a good mood for the past few days despite being so slllleeeepppyyyy.
Oh! And i'm no longer afraid of my ipod touch, i got it all set up and i'm in love with it. whee