RP forum Record Women I am known as:Jaden My years differ from your but no matter:19 My life as it is:Jaden was a carefree child, not far from the rainbow. But all it took was one person to steer her in the opposite direction. One word, One person, One life. You Might have not guessed:She is a See-er she sees the future and other things as well My looks are decieving: Will you kiss me?:Straight Love me like your own: Sadly, There is but none. Behide the Charade I am: Xx__Forbidden_Soul__xX
I am known as:Crystalizer AKA Veggie Vampire My years differ from yours but no matter:19 My life as it is:Vampy's got a normal life, but with loads of twists. Someone's gotta live that life. You Might have not guessed:Vamp's a tomboy, but loves Japanese, things, and believes in Karma My looks are decieving: Normal height, brown hair, asian. Will you kiss me?:straight Love me like your own:nope. Behide the Charade I am: xxgUaRdIaN_vAmPiRe
I am known as:Jackie Shobaki My years differ from your but no matter:18 My life as it is:She likes to sing and sings in bars and clubs as an entertainer.Jackie was dumped for being different than him.She thought she found the right one,but it looks like no one would like to have someone like her as their love. You Might have not guessed:Jackie is half angel but you can't tell since she hides her wings.She has a short temper and is shy some times even random.Sometimes depending on her mood she might just lite something on fire or make wind pass by but is rare that she does so. My looks are decieving: Will you kiss me?:straight Love me like your own: No Behide the charade I am:Demon Child 1314
I am known as: Yokirin My years differ from your but no matter: 17 My life as it is: Yorkirin was a child of a daymio in Japan. Though she grew sick of her country as it was the same all the time. One of her American penpals told her that they where going to a little house in a forest to find love. Yokirin was fasinated by how that they could fall in love and don't have arranged marriges. She desided to find the meaning of love in a new world. To leave she said she was visiting her penpal. Like yeah right! You Might have not guessed: Her father doesn't know she has gone looking for love. Her father is a daimyo meaning he is a very respected samurai. Yokirin dyed her hair as it is a tradition in the family. My looks are decieving: Because I am human:

Will you kiss me?: Straight for all she knows Love me like your own: No. Behide the charade I am: TheLastFallenTear
Men I am known as: Landon Threade My years differ from your but no matter: 25 My life as it is: Landon is a crossdressing singer. He became very popular at the age of 22, but never cared about any of the fame, all he ever wanted was love, but could never find it. You Might have not guessed: Loves all girly anime and manga. My looks are decieving: Pink hair(I do not know what the hairstyle is called, but it is the same as my avatars.) A schoolgirl's outfit with a bright red bow around the collar. Wears pink gloves and has a long red bow flowing from the back of his outfit. Will you kiss me?: Homosexual Love me like your own: No Behind the charade I am: hatescore
I am known as: Max My years differ from your but no matter: 19 My life as it is: Max lived happily with his family when he meet a girl that was everything he wanted. He gained up the nerve to ask her out and they dated for two years. Max noticed something was wronge with her and ask what it was. She had cheated with Max's best friend. Two years have pasted and Max has hid from love and any girl that looked his way. Now he is very lonely and wants to gain what he lossed long ago. You Might have not guessed: Max use to have bipolar disorder but he took care of it. He also tried to commit suicide after his sweet heart's bad news of cheating. My looks are decieving: Just a helpless Vampire:
Will you kiss me?: Straight. Love me like your own: no, not yet! Behide the charade I am: TheLastFallenTear
I am known as:Logan Danniels My years differ from your but no matter:19 My life as it is:He's a traveling guitarist. Playing at clubs all over from Seattle to Iowa. You Might have not guessed:I'm a phantom. I died a few years ago by a 14 wheeler. But I am able to feel like a human and be ghostly like a spirt My looks are decieving: Will you kiss me?:[straight] Love me like your own: [no] Behide the charade I am: [TRIXSTER14]
I am known as:Rai Nakura My years differ from your but no matter:18 My life as it is:Rai's father died in a car crash before Rai was born, and his mother was always busy. Despite this, Rai didn't mind, and in the small apartment he lived in, he had a friend that lived nearby. Her name was Sayra, and she might have had a small crush on Rai. As Rai got older, he took up martial arts, specifically Muay Thai kickboxing, and was good at it. He enjoyed sparring, but it was too limiting, as there were several rules to keep people safe. He began street fighting, and was just as good at it. Sayra eventually found out by following Rai, and started to run off. Wanting to explain to her, Rai chased after her, but Sayra just ran faster. She didn't see a car coming. Rai has then since run away from home, blaming himself, and trying to run from his problem. You Might have not guessed:As said above, Rai is skilled in Muay Thai kickboxing, which uses punches, kicks, elbow strikes, and knee strikes. My looks are decieving: Will you kiss me?:Straight Love me like your own: Nope. Behide the charade I am: Meepeth Kusanagi
I am known as:Brennan Reynolds My years differ from your but no matter: 17 My life as it is: Awkward and bookish, Brennan was always the outcast child. As he grew older he learned to make friends, and for a time that was all he needed. But as time wore on he craved something more, after too many failed attempts he has come to the lodge, seeking the love he as failed to secure. You Might have not guessed: A walking encyclopedia of junk, Brennan knows all sorts of random facts, tidbits, and stories. My looks are decieving: Will you kiss me?: Straight (Sorry boys, I'm flattered, really.) Love me like your own: Sadly no, but he's always hoping to change that. Behide the charade I am: Celtic Buddha
Xx_Cyanide_Soul_xX · Sun Jan 04, 2009 @ 08:09pm · 0 Comments |