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Alastor: Reflections in the Blood What are your sins? What are the sins of your kith and kin? Shall I unravel them? Shall I delve into the darkest recesses of your soul and find those secret guilts and shames? Shall I bring you torment? Shall I bring you blood?

Community Member
I need you- 3 doors down
It has recently come to my attention that this band ,3 doors down, has ,on one of there albulms, a song to describe every bit of me pretty much. One about love. One about pride. One about honour, one about survival, One about jealousy and many other things. I feel like i'm listening to myself. *sighs* Heres one that describes the love part.

If you could step into my head,
tell me would you still know me
If you woke up in my bed,
tell me then would you hold me
Or would you simply let it lie,
leaving me to wonder why
I can't get you out of this head
I call mine
And I will say

Oh no I can't let you go, my little girl
Because you're holding up my world
So I need you.
Your imitaion of my walk and the perfect way you talk
It's just a couple of the million things that I love about you

So I need you
So I need you
So I need you
So I need you

And if I jumped of the Brooklyn Bridge,
Tell me would you still follow me
and if I made you mad today,
tell me would you love me tomorrow?
Please. or would you say that you don't care,
and then leave me standing here
Like the fool who is drowning in despair and screamin'

Oh no I can't let you go, my little girl
Because you're holding up my world,
so I need you.
Your imitaion of my walk and the perfect way you talk
It's just a couple of the million things that I love about you.

So I need you
So I need you
So I need you
So I need you

I'm on my own
I'm on my own
I'm on my own

Oh no I can't let you go my little girl
Because your holding up my world,
so I need you.
Your imitation of my walk and the perfect way you talk
It's just a couple of the million things that I love about you.

So I need you
So I need you
So I need you
So I need you

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