Fun, actaully. I went shopping. I took pictures. I ran around with my iPod at Target and Bealls and Wal Mart. Target was AMAZING! There little one dollar section at the beginning of the store was SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT OFF! Which means that I got an awesome beanie that makes my head look like a cupcake for a bloody quarter! That picture also has my bangs all askew. My friend loves my bangs, but she always complains at how I don't wear them "right". So I pushed them all over my forehead. ^^ In Wal-Mart, I was searching for cute pajama bottoms (which is a warisome task, yet to be completed). There were some with cute little cupcakes all over them! But I didn't see a price tag, so I asked this girl to scan them for me. She assailed me with Twilight enthusiasm (she saw the shirt I was wearing) and we had a very short convo about it, and I found out that the cute cuppycake pajama bottoms were ten dollars and I was like, no thanks. Below is just a cute picture of me with my signature shades and my favorite beanie. ^^  So, all in all, a good day. My mother voluntarily offered me up for blood work tomorrow morning. X( I had to get a flu shot (which hurts still) and a hemoglobin and iron sample (which made me jump so much that it only tore a deeper gash into my finger). It's funny; I never used to be afraid of blood or shots; I planned on working in the medical field. But now it freaks me out. I only have five days of break left. =((((( I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL. It's mundane monotiny that just repeats itself over and over; it's pulling your hair out at a test grade like a ninety eight because someone else got a hundred; it's getting carpal tunnel from taking notes and still not scoring perfectly on a test. I want to stay at home forever and be home schooled; at least I'd be happier that way. But I guess I do have S there with me. And V. They talk to me and try to keep my spirits up (and then we get into random convos at the end of earth space science about ice skating and what not). I guess they make it better. But not the same. Never.
Deoxyribose Dollface · Thu Jan 01, 2009 @ 11:11pm · 0 Comments |