Master/Pet[or something along the lines of that..]
 Emma looked around the small crate. It was cramped and had an awful smell of rotten tomatoes and old radish. Emma had never been this far from home. She missed her father and mother dearly. She missed their small house out in the forest with her younger brother and sister. She was out picking blackberries with Suki and Eric then the sky got dark and there was an awful buzzing sound. Men dropped down to the ground from the large shadow covering them and came running towards her and her siblings. She told Suki and Eric to hide in the bushes. She panicked. What should she do? What could she do? If she fled to the bushes with Suki and Eric they would surely capture her and probably take her siblings. She had to keep Suki and Eric safe no matter what. She turned in circles searching for an open spot to run. Then she felt a pain in her side. She got dizzy and felt like falling over. She did. She fell flat on the ground face first. But she didn't really feel it because she was unconscious. They locked her in an atrocious cage and threw it into the back of a pickup truck.
_ChoKlitBunnie_ · Sun Dec 28, 2008 @ 06:27am · 0 Comments |