ahh... today has been one of my most suckiest days ever.... and to whom ever reads this,
u might be grossed out...*clears throat**cough**cough* ... ok lemme begin . . . .
Yesterday night i ate a lot of different things and afterwards i got an intense tummy ache,
i even puked everything after i couldn't control myself anymore... then the aching went
down a bit and then it went down enough for me to sleep.... but it still hurt... >.<
In the morning i had a mild tummy ache but it didn't hurt that much.... I went to school
and in the 1st period it was starting to get a bit worse.... after math i had gym...
we played dodgeball and i got hit really hard in my tummy and i went out and cryed a bit...
i think i have a bruise there but whatever. After that, i had french class and we had a test...
i could barely think with the pain so im pretty sure i failed it... *sighs* oh well...
then i had umm... idk what it is in english but in french it's called 'Carrier et Santé' ...
in there we had to argue about uhhh... something.... wasn't paying attention..... ok after
that, i had lunch... bad idea.... i had some pasta but it made the pain worse so i called
my sis and told her 2 tell mum 2 pick me up.... she came to get me but i puked that
disgusting fake pasta in the car... in a bag luckily.... THEN my mom bought me a drink
even though all i wanted was to come home..... yea well when i came home, i puked
that stupid drink out... >.< then i took 2 tylenols and some water but not even 2 min.
later i puked those out too... umm so far thats 3 incidents, right?.. yup... ok well after,
i went to my moms bed and drank some tea.... ate a piece of toasted bread... but no,
i just had to puke it huh? yup...then after puking it i was suddenly exhausted so i fell
asleep right after i closed my eyes... then i woke up cuz my sis wanted to wear my boots..
damn her but i still let her cuz i didn't feel like arguing... i fell asleep again... then i woke
up around 4:10 cuz my tummy was killing me.... i called my mom and she kept on
saying that i should go to the hospital but i hate them so i said no.... she gave me
half a tylenol and some mint tea... but i kept on having cold sweat and the feeling of
puking so i just let myself... damn i hate puking... i never let myself puke but i feel too
weak right now... *sighs* .. BUT right now its 5:54 and my mom gave me some dark
toast and some rice cuz i shouldn't be able to puke rice... wonder why?.......well anyways,
here i am, typing my terrible day and wow... i feel a bit better... maybe cuz im distracted
but whatever the reason, i feel happy. smile
Ok well now umm some random sh*t i feel like putting here... im talking to one of my
bff's on the phone now but she had 2 do something so she will call me back in a bit..
i wanna eat the tootsie roll that i have in my pocket but i know i'll just feel sicker so i
can't.. ..... oh toostie roll, wait for me! i shall eat u soon, don't worry!!!
umm... my sis is kinda mean cuz she didn't even ask me if i was ok... but whatever.
My hair seems longer today for some odd reason... hmm.... very odd...... >.>
s**t... i feel like puking again but i wont let myself this time... i need my nutriens.....
oh! i just remembered that when i was maybe around 8 years old, i didn't eat for a whole
2 days, then on the third day i didn't even get outta bed so my mom fed me and said
that it's not good for me to do that.... but i forgot y-- nvm.. i just remembered y i did it...
omg... bella sounds like shes fighting with the tub... or maybe her water plate thingy...
hahaa... oww it hurts to laugh... >.< hahaa... her plate is like metal so it sounds very
loud against the ground.. hahaa... now shes barking and running back n forth in the
hallway.... ooh... she still hasn't called me but oh well... hopefully i'll get better soon! ^.^
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