A demon by the name toshitago-kai lee (to-shee-ta-go,kye,lee)

Her songs alure her victoms to her feet.The sweet song and her beatiful voice and body so unhuman,anyone is drawn to it.She playes not only from pleasure but from memory of a beautiful lover that she was unallowed to have;avenging his death was the only thing she would do,he was the only thing she desired.The underwold lord had promised her the price of one milllion souls for the soul of her beloved to be returned to her.She fought better than any champion,she was even a match for the king of demons himself;but she would get her beloved back and only then would she challenge satians throne. Her songs enchanted anyone,for she was a wizard of all trades.Those who were in need of no enchantment she used them for a little untill they weren't of value and then she would slowly tear their hearts to a breaking untill they died after going insane.Those who she saw no use for and her spellls were in need of being used she would torture them slowly untill the fun was gone,then she would drain their energy,drink their blood,and then breath in the scent of their souls to enable her to newer and stronger body,soul,power,and magic, to give her unlimited strenghth and power.The killings were grusom no mattter how they were done.put she would disable their senses to ease the pain when they were killed.Her lover had been the only human to love her no matter of what kind of demon she was.He always enchanted her with his own love and even she herself couldnt seem to hurt him at all.For her being imortal she had promised him imortality as a gift of her love to show she wished to be with him forever.Before he died she promised to avenge his death and bring him back with imortality and the same unlmited power she did.Her love had died due to the demon of the third deadly sin,jealousy.She had killed the demon and eaten his remains and did so to anyothers which were the other five sins,with the exception of sloth;who had wisely chosen to keep his distance knowing that she would become more powerful than his overlord.She had been damned to become a demon when she had turned 15 and she would forever stay that way.She had been the one human that had been bitten by a half-vampire;becoming one herself;and had eaten carnivorous for 6 years as a child,not to mention she had been the most enabled human in the world,she was unstoppable even as a young mortal.But the love of her life had loved her anyways,even being damned to become a demon after one had kissed her when she was 10 after he had fallen madly in love with her.she had already attained 900,000 souls when a major problem had occured,she was being trail by a group of S-class angels and followed by some A-class demons who were not pleased that she had been violating almost every rule in the angel,demon book.she was being hunted and she now had to avoid being killed while collecting the last 100,000 souls.By this she planed to do this the easiest way,by blowing up an entire city.With her little demented friends by her side she would be truly unstoppable,and everything would be hers after she killed that annoying god and satian,she would rule supreme with her love by herside.and by the looks of it,she already won,because she had been both those bastards most loyal servant and helper,they would never expect her to overtrow them.It was time for her true place to be taken.